This month, stoner Aquarius, you may feel that bad vibes are all around, but don’t let them get you down. Grab the pipe or papers and do your best to rise above it all. Some people may try to warn you against having your head in the clouds, but you’ll find that the view from higher up is actually much clearer. By allowing there to be distance between you and the problems you are facing you will be able see them in a different light. This new perspective may be exactly the solution needed to tackle old problems. Use this forward momentum and apply the positive energy where it will be most useful, in the work place. With so many things going on at once, you may find work being a welcomed distraction instead of a burden. Finding your groove might be tricky at first, but this investment upfront will help to smooth out the rest of the month.
Likewise, on the home front, you may find offering up the peace pipe to those closest to you will have its own benefits. It will be important to keep in mind that the problems popping up now have seeds that were planted long ago. Even though the pipe is not the final solution, the conversation may come a little easier once everyone is a bit calmer. Take the time to pause and consider the words before they are said to the other person. This will help to avoid small problems from getting bigger and all sides of the argument win when there is sincerity in the words being spoken.