Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Leo Stoner Horoscope January

Stoner Leo January will be a foundation for 2020.  Perhaps even a road-map for the entire year can be written in the first month?  Ah, but to accomplish all of this terrestrial planning, you must go through the mental and spiritual exercise of self assessment.  Don’t worry my lovely Lion, I’m not talking about deep introspective dives; but rather simple mental and spiritual exercises combining intent with inventory and direction.

Whoa stay with me!  Take a few tokes of the marijuana smoke.  Relax. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to see through the complications of the economic grind and the emotions of relationships.  Clear the cluttered mind so that you only see yourself with no outside influence. The meditative exercise required this month is mainly about three things:  Intent, Inventory, and Direction.

Intent:  A brave stoner Leo may want to meditate on this first step with a powerful edible.  But any amount of the sacred herb will do, as long as you locate your mediation in a comfortable quiet place alone.  Once the mind has been cleared of all thoughts regarding the economic grind, smoke circle acquaintances, and even cannabis companions, you must ask and answer one simple question:  “Where do you want to go stoner Leo?” Or phrased another way, “Who do you want to be?”

Inventory:  Another word for the second step could be appreciation.  This inventory has nothing to do with accounting or reconciliation.  Now that you know your intent, use the sacred herb to enhance the clarity of your third eye.  See the truth in what you have accomplished, or where you have traveled, at this point in your spiritual quest.

Direction:  Now for the hardest part stoner Leo.  With a clear understanding of intent, and appreciation of where and how you arrived at this moment in your progressive story, you must calibrate those two with your desired direction.  This final sober task can be accomplished in various ways. Perhaps an email to yourself with instructions will be your road-map. Or a ritualistic magic creation box to tuck away desired goal posts.  A logical timeline with progress markers might do the trick.

The bottom line is not the method of the final task stoner Leo, it is the holistic approach of the complete exercise.  You are bound to find your own way by completing these three heady exercises. Happy toking, you’ll find yourself stoner Leo.  I believe in you.

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