Leo September 2018

Leo September 2018

Stoner Leo planetary influences are pushing you out of your comfort zone. You are the Lion of the stoner pride, and with this you can be described as unapologetically selfish. The first month of fall will require that quality to be diminished. No apologies will be necessary, but contemplative and controlled self awareness will be required. Toke time early in the month to meditate with the sacred herb. Avoid a deep dive that analyzes your inner nature, but instead seek expansive enlightenment from your cosmic guides. Steering your behavior away from your nature is a difficult proposition; medicated contemplative guidance will assist in opening yourself up to your cannabis companions.

Teamwork is the work-around! Cooperation and collaboration is the key. Yes you may think your rolling technique is the best my lovely lion, but sometimes allowing a cannabis companion to give you a lesson with your full attention will strengthen bonds beyond the immediate situation. This new direction will benefit you in problem solving. So often you put your head down and go at problems alone. A collaborative meditative smoke session with the sacred herb will guide your awkward cooperative travels. This month you will need the advice and effort of your smoke circle to solve problems that pop up like weeds along your path. Be forewarned stoner Leo: Cooperation and collaboration are great, but all this teamwork must come from a prioritized list of your creation. Perhaps we found a bit of selfish manipulation this month after all.

The theme of collaboration follows into the sphere of love for the stoner Leo. Single Leos should surround themselves with fellow cosmic astronauts. Adventure, fun, and new smoke circle acquaintances will come from group missions out onto the terrestrial plane. Leos with a partner in chronic should heed the guidance of the cosmos, and open themselves up for advice and direction. Remember stoner Leo, this time period is one of hundreds in your life, bending and experimenting now doesn’t create a rule or tradition for the future. Trust your partner in chronic, and enjoy the ride.

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