Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Gemini Stoner Horoscope April

Get out among the broader smoke circle stoner Gemini!  Universal influence in April supports a social Twin.  That’s right, guard your eyes and step out of your home and comfort zone.  That’s the Sun that is blinding you, and it comes with energy and adventure.

But there is a danger in this expansive motive for April.  Adventure on the terrestrial plane is not an all-you-can-smoke buffet.  At times during the month, you may want to do it all, and do it now!  However, the bountiful opportunities must be sifted with a keen third eye.  That do-it-all mentality will certainly burn more than just bowls if it is not tempered with common sense and thoughtful planning.

Sometimes the cosmic influence beamed in from our ruling celestial bodies counterbalances stumbling blocks built into our nature.  And sometimes we need a little guidance to make the best of our cosmic opportunities.  This month could be a little tricky for the stoner Gemini at home.  Make sure the sacred stash jar is loaded with the two opposing cannabis species.  Energy, fun, excitement, and adventure out and about on the terrestrial plane will certainly be complimented by the Sativa species.  However, in those in-between moments, you must find your chill and calm with the Indica species.  Those within your canna-fam may not appreciate you bouncing off the walls as you anticipate the next stoney adventure around the corner.  Find your inner chill in those stagnant moments waiting for the next trip, and unleash your bright energy when you finally get to those anticipated moments.

Finally stoner Gemini, I have a helpful tool that will assist you in all facets of the second Spring month.  It’s time to take up journaling!  Not only will you be able to document the grand adventures of April, hunting secret smoke spots with your best buds, but it will also give you something to submerge yourself into during those chill idle moments at home.  Perhaps this new habit of journaling will lead to progressive breakthroughs for yourself, and perhaps it will help you recount your stoney adventures to future smoke circles.  No matter the result, I’m sure you will have plenty to fill those pages!

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