Gemini November 2018

Gemini November 2018

There is good news and bad news this November, stoner Gemini. Just like the winter weather, you can expect stormy skies and some rain clouds in your immediate future. The good news is that there is not much you can do to change the cosmic weather. So grab your umbrella, put on your rain boots, and don’t be afraid to get a little muddy. There won’t be much time to fret; the greatest storm will come early in the month. This means you and your partners-in-chronic will have plenty of time to smoke your favorite strains of the sacred herb, and make big plans for after the cosmic rain stops.

Stoner Gemini you can’t let the weather or unexpected woes get you down. Regardless of what is happening outside, remember you are the master of your own domain. Set the mood! Whether it’s burning your favorite incense or baking a batch of your favorite stoner snacks, you can make the most of this cloudy time if you keep moving and stay positive.

November will be all about the grind in the work sphere. The level of success will be in direct relation to your level of determination. However, do not expect instant results. In fact, some of your most noticeable achievements will be the result of many smaller wins. These small wins can add up quickly. Sometimes the seeds we plant take longer than expected to bear fruit. Be patient; as long as you provide the care needed, even the smallest patch of grass will grow into the greenest of pastures.

Stoner Gemini it’s time to finish some of those projects you didn’t complete during those fun-filled, smoky summer months. November can be a time of great spiritual growth, as long as you stay optimistic and keep your focus on the future. Just be sure to do so on your own terms. It is okay to take advice, but only from your closest cannabis companions. Avoid expanding your smoking circle too quickly, otherwise you may encounter unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. The best advice, stoner Gemini, is to puff puff pass on the troubles. Keep the peace pipe handy and everyone one will find themselves on the same level … a higher level.

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