Aries Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Aries, this may seem trite, but the first month of Spring is the perfect time to clean out the clutter of the past, and move forward with fresh planting.  The clutter remaining from previous periods must go: Both emotional and physical. This isn’t just a fortune cookie phrase told a million times; the current planetary alignment supports tossing out old plans and starting from scratch.

But before you jump off the cliff and abandon everything from the past, toke time to contemplate your action.  Yes, there is cosmic support to a thorough cleansing, but sometimes the interpretation of cosmic influence requires its own interpretation.  Ah yes, a deep third eye vision inspired by the sacred herb. At the heart of this note of Spring cleaning, or cleansing, is assessment. March is the perfect time to take deep tokes of the marijuana smoke, and assess where you are at in your inner progress, and where you are at on the terrestrial plane.  In other words, take time to look at the bath water before you throw it out, there might be a baby in there!

Be forewarned stoner Aries:  These notes of assessment and emotional closet cleaning come quickly in March.  You must make your deep medicated meditative dive with the sacred herb before the 9th!  The Full Moon of the 9th marks an important date on your personal calendar. Assessments must be made before that date, or a bit of closet chaos may ensue.  But, if you are prepared my sturdy stoner Ram, then this date will mark the point of fresh beginnings. With the emotional and physical clutter assessed and analyzed before the 9th, a clear plan and fresh direction will take shape after the 9th.

Here is the wonderful message contained within this horoscope:  With your closets clean, bountiful opportunity opens as the Spring flowers bloom.  March sets up to be a spectacular month as long as you take care of cleaning requirements.  By mid month there will be no restrictions on sacred strains, physical direction, or emotional opportunity.  This will definitely be the time to plant those fresh sacred seeds of inspiration for future harvest.

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