Virgo Stoner Horoscope June

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June

Stoner Virgo, have you ever heard the phrase, ‘It was written in the stars’?  Well, I think they meant planets, and boy do you have a book to read this month!

One of your largest character traits and strengths will put you at the mercy of planetary alignment in June.  You have a great ability to be stable while also being flexible.  This key characteristic will be tested in June as you can expect to be pushed and pulled in multiple directions by cosmic influence.

Your cannabis prescription this month is EVERYTHING!  Fill your stash jars with a plethora of cannabis species and strains.  From high CBD to blended hybrids, and even some pure breads for sure.

Believe in yourself stoner Virgo.  Arm yourself with the right cannabis tool for the correct moment.  The shifting landscape of cosmic influence will require an ability to remain stable while bending with flexibility.  But remember my stoner Virgin:  This ability is within you.

There will be moments of extreme confidence wrapped in resolve.  Select a hybrid for these extreme moments to soften the edges of cosmic influence.

There will be moments of danger within communication conflict.  Sense these moments stoner Virgo.  Select a more contemplative Indica strain to help yourself think before speaking.

There will be moments of raw emotion from internalizations.  Find a Sativa dominant hybrid to soften the raw edges of powerful growth and remembrances.

I cannot say if this will be a positive or negative month for the stoner Virgo.  I can say that you have everything you need to make it a month of progress and great growth.  Pay attention to your personal environment, and adjust accordingly.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May

Stoner Virgo, the final Spring month may set up as a battle of ideas.  Perhaps a conflict between natural traits and cosmic influence.  Maybe even a debate between planning and action.  The great news is that there is no better stoner star sign to have a contemplative debate with themselves more so than the stoner Virgo.

My sweet Virgin you will feel at home in May.  Inward contemplation assisted by your cannabis copilot will come easy, and provide sparks of inspiration for action.  However, use caution with high minded communications.  These self reflected marijuana musings might not be ready for smoke circle consumption.

If simple conversations take a defensive or heated tone, step out to toke time to reflect.  You are highly capable stoner Virgo, but an endless argument leads to a dead end of frustration every time.

Thus the debate of the month becomes like that stoney Clash classic, Should I Stay or Should I Go.  Your natural trait, and universal influence, will favor a contemplative stoner Virgo with planning smoke sessions in solitude.  But a brisk cosmic breeze of social energy will tempt the Virgin to the flame of smoke circle dynamics.

There will be times to share a joint, and a philosophical exploration.  There will be times to forgo challenging topics with cannabis companions.  And there will be times to jump into the smoke circle, but keep your secrets and plans to yourself.

It’s all up to you stoner Virgo.  Trust yourself.  Trust the sacred herbal influence.  And trust your connection to the universe. 

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April

What stoner Virgo doesn’t like a good puzzle or a complex game?  The April time period will present challenges and obstacles synonymous with these methods and concepts.

Buckle up my valiant Virgin.  Before the big match, or when the puzzle lay in pieces, the forthcoming challenge can seem daunting and intimidating.  Trust and Courage will be required to complete the challenge.

The month begins without warning of the start time as the New Moon falls on March 31st.  Toke time in the first few days of April to meditate with the sacred herb.  Just you, your favorite piece, and some cosmic cannabis.

Focus your medicated meditation on Trust and Courage.

Trust yourself stoner Virgo.  You have all the tools required to solve any dilemma that comes your way this month.  Cannabis helps us see ourselves.  Take a mindful note with your third eye gazed within.  You have great strengths and wonderful attributes.  Acknowledge them.  Empower them.

The universal puzzle or the cosmic game presented this month are yours, and yours alone.  Steady your nerves throughout the month with high CBD rich cannabis strains.  You have entered a fluid period where options and obstacles must be addressed with confidence and Courage.  

One aspect of April that will be less murky and opaque is the sphere of love.  The planets have aligned in your favor my vivacious Virgin.  Perhaps this cosmic warm breeze will be enhanced by the early smoke session focused on confidence?  

No matter the sphere of influence or the cosmic conundrum presented, toke time with your cannabis copilot to instill Trust in yourself, and Courage to smoke the competition.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Stoner Virgo, did you miss Valentine’s Day in February?  Perhaps the calendars are off.  The New Moon on March second is possibly your second chance at Valentine’s love.  

For partnered Virgos this means a chance at rekindling that old spark that lit the flame of the relationship.  Toke the opportunity to burn a bowl with your love.  Light the cannabis connection that assisted companionship.

For single Virgos this New Moon marks a moment for new possibilities.  You are entering a phase of opportunity for cannabis companionship.  Inhale the positive machinations of the sacred herb, and blow out the spark of manifestation.

Perhaps the February time period was more stagnant than you would prefer my lovely Virgin.  March will be the month of self motivation, and you are certainly capable of this task.

There are times to burn philosophical sacred bowls, and contemplate free-will versus destiny.  And there are times spark-up the divine inspiration contained within the magic of the sacred herb.  Get up and get moving stoner Virgo!  It’s all up to you right now.

Enjoy the month.  It gets off to a memorable emotional tone.  But then the bounty of benefits throughout the month all fall within your sphere of understanding and motivation.  

Associate action with smoke sessions.  Focus on health and body more so than heady contemplations of life, the universe, and everything.  As all things fall into place by month’s end.  Perhaps you will truly be able to question if your conscious actions got you there, or if it were destiny all along.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February

Stoner Virgo, in January you might have broken down with a tear or two;  all within the same motion of flipping into a joker meme.  What a wild ride January was.  What a blessing it is to feel all those emotions.  What a time to be alive.

Maybe you look back at January as grabbing a hold of a lightning bolt, and channeling the power.  Maybe you see it like peeing on an electric fence, and feeling the power!  No matter what you think about the first month of 2022; that bowl is cached.

Slow you roll early in the month.  Toke time for a solo smoke session with the sacred herb.  A nice balanced hybrid should do nicely.  Don’t go too deep with this meditative smoke session stoner Virgo.  Keep it light.

Focus on navigation my stoner Virgin.  Catch your bearings.  Coming out of a period like the one you just passed through is destabilizing.  You will need to be kind to yourself, and allow your internal systems to balance.

This initial light medicated meditation is so important to set the tone for February.  You have so much skill, discipline, and tenacity stoner Virgo.  You will only need a little nudge from a nug to get you back into the groove.

Finally, take close care of loved ones in your immediate family.  In this day-and-age doctors appointments can bring anxiety, but neglecting health concerns only passes the bowl.  In the smoke circle of life, the bowl always comes back to you.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January

Stoner Virgo, here … we …. GO!  The adventure of 2021 is now a memory.  We march forward into 2022 with everything we contain within. A new year to manifest our vision and being on our great terrestrial plane.

Our sacred herb is a large part of how we see the landscape in front of us.  Our cannabis copilot opens the doors to reality.  It enhances our third eye to see possibilities.

Know thyself stoner Virgo.  Often, vision isn’t your deficit.  You can create wonderful visions of manifestation, and march like a soldier to your canna-inspired destiny.  

But do you pack more than you can smoke?  Be honest stoner Virgo.  Has a dream of destiny created a mountain of tasks in the past?  Do you sometimes grind up more than you can burn down?

Drive, ambition, and creativity all must be tempered by perspective, humility, and honesty.

Use your cannabis copilot this month to slow down time.  Through regular and moderate meditations with the sacred herb, take a second look at your ambitious plans from a higher perspective. 

This medicated meditative task throughout the month will help you find balance my stoner Virgin.  The goal in life is not to pack the biggest bowl, it’s to enjoy the herb.  Don’t load what you can’t or shouldn’t smoke.  The process will be more fulfilling, and you might find more enjoyment in a higher quality manifestation.  Chill stoner Virgo.  You got this. 

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Virgo your natural state of being is on-point and on-mission.  Of all the stoner star signs, possibly you know best that manifestation only occurs with action.  December will be a comfortable period as universal influence coincides with your stoner directives.

Those words may seem sweet like the sticky icky, but a lot can pass by with a cosmic wind at your back.

Stoner Virgo your ability to focus on task mastery is truly stupendous.  This month your stoner trait will turn into a super power.  However, this very blessing will be the cause of concern in the first Winter month.

I do not have a cannabis strain recommendation this month.  Any species of the sacred herb will do the job.  It’s the bowl burning action that is required.  Use your cannabis copilot as a self induced speed bump on your terrestrial path.  Toke time throughout the month to slow time down, and make sure you don’t miss important scenery racing by.

My passionate Virgin, as you transit through space time this month, many passionate adventures will come to light.  Perhaps new studious endeavors will break free from complex conundrums.  New understandings will snowball into even more energy and effort.

Once again, use the sacred herb to slow down time, and check yourself stoner Virgo.  You are not the master of the universe.  But you can certainly be the master of your own sphere.

Many have come before.  Many will come after.  Many surround you now.  Use your cannabis copilot to find your chill, and maintain perspective.  The broader smoke circle, and your cannabis companions will appreciate your restraint.

What a way to finish the year stoner Virgo.  Have fun being you, but don’t be you too much for the sake of your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Virgo the clouds of Fall have fully set in.  Not just within the terrestrial climate, but within astrological realms as well.  Not doom and gloom, but more like a boring haze.

But there is a bright side within this dense and dull period.  The stoner Virgo is naturally built for this mundane drudgery.

What other sign is better equipped mentally and emotionally to march one foot in front of the other toward project completion?  That’s right my stoner Virgin … none!

November is a great month for a tolerance break.  Or perhaps stocking the stash jar with low THC and high CBD cannabis strains.  You have enough ambition and focus to make your way through the cloudy terrain.  A more moderate and conservative cannabis prescription in November will help avoid the pitfalls of an obscure landscape.

The danger to the final Fall month will be to get stuck in your own head within projects and dilemmas.  With an obscured landscape, the usually advantageous high perspective from cannabis contemplation could cause confusion.  With the CBD regiment of our sacred herb, it should help you stay firmly rooted on the ground.

Don’t lose sight of what is important stoner Virgo.  Task mastery is an amazing talent.  But use of this talent can become all-consuming.  Great meditative powers can come from medicated smoke sessions with low THC cannabis strains.

Toke time to self with your great cannabis copilot during the month to break free from the constant march toward end goals.  Inhale the relaxing nature of the sacred herb.  Focus solo meditative smoke sessions on family and those cannabis companions you are most connected to.  In the end it is those connections that unlock the keys to progress, not your stellar strength to get shit done.

Stoner Virgo, you may not be one to stop and smell the roses.  But do try to stop and enjoy the flower.  These recuperative and appreciative breaks from the daily grind will feed your terrestrial roots, and give you increased strength to continue on.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Virgo, hi-ho hi-ho, it’s off to work we go.  Is that the mantra that keeps you safe, happy, and pushing progress?  In October there will be an opportunity to squeeze more out of life than tangible project manifestation.

With the season of Libra, celestial influence brings balance and opportunity for the stoner Virgin.

Sure sure, I know stoner Virgo, your projects and in-depth dives into passionate endeavors feeds your soul.  So you might say.  In the second Fall month there will be a intangible opportunity to connect your outer terrestrial experience with your inner voice, and heart.

It is time this month to put “me time” down on your to-do list.  Toke time early in the month for a solo medicated meditative smoke session to contemplate what is missing from your terrestrial existence.  Use the sacred herb to connect your head with your soul.

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Focus your cannabis meditation on intangible aspects of life, not the tangible tasks of the terrestrial world.

This will mean different things to different Virgos.  Perhaps you’ve neglected your passion for hiking for far too long as you battle the daily grind within the economic system.  Perhaps this month you will be able to nap without internal or external judgement from yourself.  Perhaps this exercise in self fulfillment will entail sharing a joint, and a quiet evening, with a member of your personal cann-fam.

Use the sacred herb as your guide to explore your heart and your soul in ways you have neglected.  We all lose sight of our internal drives from time to time.

Use your cannabis copilot as a navigational guide to reconnect with yourself.

Internal care and self love will come at a great time this month my lovely Virgin.  Be sure to toke time with the sacred herb, and yourself, before the end of the first decade of October.  Because this wonderful period of healing and internal satisfaction will blend perfectly with the remaining time in the month.

After the first decade, October will consist of big bong rips with the ganja gang, and chatty joint sessions with the canna-crew.  You may not always find success within the canna-crowd.  But after a serious smoke-out focused on self love and internal repair, you will feel like a new you; ready to chop-it-up with the smoke circle, and move forward on the terrestrial plane with rebalanced targets and goals.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope September

What a long strange trip it’s been stoner Virgo.  The past is a memory.  The future is a dream.  The present is an illusion in between.

If the illusion gets a little squirrely this month, be prepared to lean on your cannabis copilot to appreciate the past, and manifest positivity in the future.  This exercise will allow you to see through the illusion with your third eye sight.

Chill stoner Virgo!  This is your illusion, but it is shared with your cannabis companions.  Often frustration and disappointment are born out of your expectations.

Toke time with the sacred herb to meditate on reasonable management of expectations.  It is not the responsibility of your canna-crew to meet your expectations stoner Virgo.  This simple medicated meditation with cannabis could make all the difference between a positive illusion, and a dramatic nightmare in the first Fall month.

You like puzzles don’t you stoner Virgo?  Think of September as your own jigsaw.  Use the sacred herb to climb high above the terrestrial plane to see where all the pieces fit.  This higher perspective will allow you to see how you fit together with coworkers and the canna-fam.

Remember my stoner Virgin:  You are merely a piece in the grand puzzle.

There will be challenges during the month to prove your authenticity, and ability, within the broader smoke circle.  With a keen third eye toward your own expectations, and a high minded view of your place within the grand scheme, you will pass all cosmic tests.

The Full Moon on the 20th will mark a time to withdraw and assess where you are in between appreciation and manifestation.  Cosmic winds of chaos may be causing interference with communications between the canna-crew.  Sometimes the puzzle piece just doesn’t fit stoner Virgo.  Are you forcing it?

When frustration mounts, toke time with the sacred herb to find your strategic center.  Appreciate the past.  Manifest positivity in the future.  Get through the illusion of today.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Virgo the month of August will be similar to that time you hit the pipe, or joint, one time too many in one session.  Crashing waves of stoned paranoia followed by troughs of paralyzing deep contemplative thoughts all leaving you beached on an island within yourself.

We’ve all been there, my logical Virgin.  The great news is that you survived that face melting stoned psychedelic experience, and perhaps you even learned valuable lessons from it.  August will be similar.

On the final day of July cosmic machinations from solar system events threw the stoner Virgo into a new state of mind.  This event may be so impactful that the nature of how you see yourself, and the world, could be dramatically changed.

Rusty Eric wisely said, “When you allow your ego to control your thoughts, everything you believe becomes an illusion.”

Stoner Virgo, the key to progress in August will be to survive and thrive within the deep cosmic waves in the first half of the month.  Then find an adaptive plan in the second.  All the while your stout work ethic, and logical brain, will guide you through all phases.

The cannabis prescription for this mind melting month is a bit loose.  Each stoner Virgo must make their own decisions at appropriate times regarding the sacred herb.  Absolutely stock a high CBD low THC cannabis strain in your stash box for the month.  Especially for the first decade.

The universe will be sending enough waves of deep contemplation.  You will want your cannabis copilot to assist in dealing with your thoughts, versus accentuating them.

Stock your favorite Sativa strains for the second half of the month.  The creativity of the Sativa species may assist in the adaptive cosmic notes of the final two weeks.

Know this my stoner Virgin:  As with that moment you got too high, and everything was uneasy and confusing, you were ok.  When your worldview is challenged in August, remember, everything is going to be ok.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Virgo, your Zodiac peers often look enviously to your example:  An easy breezy, go-with-the-flow kind of stride that keeps everyone wondering, “How DO they do it?”  As nice as it is to recite mantras like, ‘keep calm and puff on’ or ‘light up and let go’, you know the truth stoner Virgo: It takes work!

Don’t get caught up in making it look so easy.  You love it when the stars align to pave the way for a peaceful path ahead. But, you are equally excited when the cosmos has a little chaos in store.  You don’t seek out troubles stoner Virgo, yet you are willing, and ready, to face any challenge that you encounter during your terrestrial travels.

Stoner Virgo, the secret to maintaining forward moving momentum this season will be to celebrate your setbacks as readily as your successes. Even when you miss your mark, or fail to cross the finish line, there is opportunity for growth. There are times when instead of letting go, it is better to lean into our mistakes.

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Meditating with the sweet soothing vapors of sensimilla will not just be helpful this month, it will be essential. Breath deep stoner Virgo. Inhale the perspective expanding magic of the sacred herb, and allow it to elevate your perspective. From this higher vantage point, you will be better poised to see the big picture.

It will be a challenge for the ever-ambitious stoner Virgo, but one of the most productive things you can do this month is to give yourself a break. You are the master of the daily grind, but right now you might be questioning what you’re moving toward. 

With the help of the sacred herb, and a set schedule for mindful medicated meditation, you will find your inspiration again. Solo smoke sessions will give you the space and setting for self-reflection, away from any outside forces or influences.

After some much needed time spent alone, smoking out and looking inward, you will be eager to rejoin your fellow stoner Zodiac on their cosmic cannabis chronicles.  You will be ready again to rise to any unexpected detour or obstacle the Summer brings. But different from the tense, self-critical days early in the month, you’ll now know that it’s okay if you decide to puff puff and pass the first time around.  To try again later after you’ve given yourself more time to pause, puff, and prepare.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Virgo, get ready for an intriguing June.  Mercury and Saturn are in retrograde this month, and the effects could be more dramatic for the hard working Virgin.

You must find your inner chill stoner Virgo.  Seek out an Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strain to utilize as your daily driver for the month.  Wedding Cake should do nicely.  Mercury in retrograde affects communications with your fellow terrestrial astronauts.  The Saturn retrograde gives a two-handed shove of momentum to communication breakdowns in the work sphere.  But fear not my diligent stoner Virgo, with foreknowledge and your cannabis copilot, you will get through this difficult stage with all your precious glass intact.  One of the benefits of the Mercury retrograde is the opportunity to analyze your terrestrial station.  Use smoke sessions with the sacred herb to seek a higher perspective on your current work situation.  How much does work dominate your personal life?  Is there room to dampen down the perfectionist expectations on others while you delegate work tasks?  Perhaps you are bearing the load because of your direct actions?  Toke time to contemplate your actions and decisions in the work sphere, and how they can be adjusted to promote a higher quality of life in future periods.

Make it a mantra this month:  Chill stoner Virgo.  Perhaps put some soothing reggae music on top of your playlist.  But repeat this mantra over and over again.  June is not the month to take on arguments with coworkers or partners-in-chronic.  Yes, you might have to perform the difficult task of biting your tongue this month.  Put that argument in your pocket, and analyze it during a medicated meditative smoke session later.  Find your chill stoner Virgo, or insignificant moments of disagreement could become dramatic moments of argument. 

Chill stoner Virgo.  Everything is going to be ok.  A lot of this broad personal contemplation with the sacred herb could unlock massively progressive points of freedom within your spirit.  Accepting a lack of control while strengthening your self confidence could be a combination leading to spiritual freedom.  By the time the Full Moon on June 24th rises, you should be feeling like a new you.  Spark a bowl on this date, and celebrate the majesty of our universe, and your place in it.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Virgo, you are the kind hearted organized ally of the stoner Zodiac.  So much of your terrestrial mission is in service to others, particularly your close cannabis companions within the smoke circle.  The month of May brings with it an uncomfortable selfish breeze from the universe.  But don’t fret my analytical Virgin, the selfish breeze may create unease, but it will assist in much needed internal work that could unlock personal progress.

Now more than ever stoner Virgo, you must forgive yourself.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to see the impact you can have internally.  The quest for perfection, and heightened expectations, lead to disappointment with yourself.  Pack the bowl, inhale the perspective expanding nature of the sacred herb, and exhale harsh internal criticism.  The cannabis strain does not matter.  The personal mental time dedicated to the medicated meditative smoke session is the necessary step to take in May.  Make sure to toke time for solo deep dives with your sacred herbal copilot many times in the final Spring month.

Take time to create stoner Virgo.  Meditative moments with the sacred herb don’t always have to be in a dark quiet space.  Find an activity to keep your hands active while your mind can wonder and heal.  Gardening is a great activity to turn the blank canvas of soil into a living growth of nutrition.  Perhaps there are artistic endeavors or renovation projects to keep your physical body busy while you contemplate life, the universe, and everything.  Feed your head and feed your soul in May my stoner Virgin.

Make sure to tackle the task of personal growth in a safe space stoner Virgo.  After all, this month is all about you.  Once you have fully taken the internal empathetic lessons provided by the sacred herb, you will emerge on the terrestrial plane with a newfound confidence in your stride.  Heal yourself first stoner Virgo, and then you can better help others heal.  By the end of May, the smoke circle will have a refreshed attentive Virgo once again to assist them in all their smokey adventures.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April


Cosmic vibes in April favor the natural traits of the stoner Virgo.  Ah yes my helpful Virgin, it will be nice to have a cosmic breeze at your back while you traverse the terrestrial plane.  But this warm influence will amplify all of your stonerific qualities, maybe even the ones that can cause friction with your canna-crew.

Organization and analytical analysis will be supported by a bright cosmic breeze this month.  This means toke it out, and plan it out.  Any stuck gears in the sphere of economics can be loosened in April.  There is a solution or an escape from any problem or obstacle.  Medicated meditations with the sacred herb can assist in all problem solving missions.  This month is a great time to combine your analytical mind with herbal enhancements to solving economic issues.

The Kinks said it best in 1981 stoner Virgo, “Paranoia the destroyer.”  Don’t destroy yourself this month with an overactive analytical brain.  The cosmic blessing in April is simply an amplification of your own stoner traits.  So that overactive brain will be more troublesome within the personal sphere this month.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to find perspective instead of a tool to descend into a paranoid rabbit hole.  Stock some CBD flower on hand to mix in if an overactive brain brings unwanted anxiety.

Chill stoner Virgo.  Select some Indica dominant cannabis hybrids for the stash jar this month.  Mid month you will notice a manic surge of energy from the cosmos.  All those ideas and plans will be wonderful to brainstorm and execute.  Everything might seem a bit brighter.  BUT, there are many stoner traits among the stoner Zodiac.  Not every stoner star sign will be feeling your natural burst of energy, and bright enthusiasm.  So chill stoner Virgo.  Even in those manic moments of great ambition, toke time to relax.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to find understanding, empathy, and patience with your cannabis companions.

This is a powerful month for you stoner Virgo.  Much progress can be made on the terrestrial plane.  But as you fly close to the Sun of energetic ambitions, don’t burn the wings of your partners in chronic.  With the sacred herb as your copilot, you should be able to navigate your high flying travels safely with the smoke circle still intact.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March


Stoner Virgo the transition to Spring will find a wonderfully positive influence from our grand celestial bodies.  The particular positive push from the universe will combine well with your natural stoner tendencies and traits.  Compounding this positive combination will be the impact felt in both the personal and work spheres.

Alright my practical stoner Virgin, the cosmos will be sending waves of creativity to accentuate your logical hard working spirit this month.  March will be the perfect time to break into the staples of your sacred stash jar.  Granddaddy Purple or Jack Herer cannabis strains will ease internal tensions, and allow your sacred herbal assistant to act as divining rod between the cosmic creative influence of the celestial bodies, and your terrestrial ambitions.  Use your medicated meditative smoke sessions in March as a catalyst to find creative inspiration with positive impact in both the personal and work spheres.

Stoner Virgo your logical nature can mute your emotional communications.  In the first 20 days of March, the creative influence of the cosmos will help find new ways to express yourself to your cannabis companions and close partners in chronic.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to bring deep internal feelings to the surface, and share them with the canna-fam.  With personal growth come personal rewards!

This cosmic creative push will bring a new tool to your work arsenal stoner Virgo.  Toke time for solo smoke sessions away from the work setting to contemplate problems and obstacles.  These medicated meditative smoke sessions will uncover out-of-the-box pathways that could unlock doors to future progress within the economic machinery.

Stoner Virgo March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, and the beginning of a new astrological year.  This transition may bring about contemplation of spiritual and philosophical aspects of our terrestrial world.  This introspection will be a wonderful finish to the creative push of March.  Once again your sacred herbal assistant will help you dive deep into yourself; not to answer philosophical dilemmas, but to ask the right questions.  After this thought provoking productive month, you will transition into the new astrological year with a new way to see the future.  Here’s to puff puff passing productive progress.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Virgo can you direct change within a consistent routine?  Can you build a house within a home?  The February time period will flow naturally toward your stoner strengths:  Consistency, Diligence, and Heart.  Keep the stash jar loaded stoner Virgo.  This month is full of complex puzzles you are sure to enjoy, especially with your herbally enhanced third eye vision.

Diligence within routine and work ethic are monumental strengths of the stoner Virgo.  However, a singular focus on task mastery can leave the stoner Virgin without general navigation.  Universal influence in February will bring winds of change to this realm of Virgo strength.  But understand that this change is not in action, but in direction.  Throughout the month, you must toke time with the sacred herb to contemplate your navigational drives.  Use the sacred herb to fly high above the terrestrial plane.  Seek out a wider perspective.  Follow the trail of daily tasks, and see where they lead.  Ahhh yes stoner Virgo, with your third eye vision fully engaged, now you can adjust where your daily diligence will lead you.

As you look up from the task list to find your direction, you should also toke time to recognize the foundation of familial support you have created.  Cosmic influence in February is one of perspective.  As it relates to cannabis companions and the broader smoke circle, you will find strength in appreciation.  Perhaps the daily grind on the task list has decoupled the connection with your stoner family.  February is a great opportunity to recognize the bonds within your canna fam.  This simple recognition and appreciation will help to strengthen green trichomes that bond the smoke circle together. 

I don’t have a specific cannabis strain to help guide you stoner Virgo.  The most important cannabis prescription for February is consistent smoke sessions.  From this task you will find perspective, both in your daily drives, and in matters of the heart.  Never forget, all the spheres of life are connected.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January


Stoner Virgo you are a unique terrestrial astronaut flying through the galaxy on our cosmic spaceship.  You are a hard worker; organized in your routine and ambitious undertakings.  This month will provide a break from routine.  Prepare to feed your head instead of the to-do list in January.  There may be uncomfortable aspects to the second Winter month, but with the sacred herb as your spiritual guide, you can navigate these unfamiliar spaces with great personal progress.  Different isn’t a dirty word my anal retentive stoner, sometimes it can be an opportunity.

Stoner Virgo there is a specific opportunity presented by a universal influence to innovate within the work sphere.  In the days preceding the New Moon of the 12th, make time for a group strategy session.  If you are able to combust the sacred herb with your coworkers, perhaps ideas and plans will illuminate with the passing of a joint.  No matter the method or occupation, be sure to lead, communicate, and collaborate before the New Moon.

As a double dose of positivity, a universal influence will give a positive push to personal endeavors in the days after the New Moon of the 12th.  Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb, and take time for a passion project or hobby that has gone neglected during busy past periods.

Busy bird stoner Virgo.  There may be parts of January that drift without winds of action.  For an active stoner, the lack of motion can bring boredom or even depression.  Do not fight these moments of cosmic malaise stoner Virgo.  These moments are an opportunity.  Select an Indica cannabis strain from your sacred stash jar for these moments.  Toke time to reflect on the hurried and busy nature of yourself, and the world.  Perhaps you need a break, and now is the time.  It is in these medicated meditative moments with the sacred herb where you might find new direction in personal health.  Cosmic stagnation can lead to personal epiphanies.  Use the sacred herb to transfer moments of possible boredom or depression into moments of contemplation and recovery.  Feed your head stoner Virgin.  Take care of mind, body, and spirit.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December


Stoner Virgo the month of December sets up like an older stoner classic, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Two opposite worlds will combine for straight fire this month.  And, as with the sandwich, the ingredients and process will be easy to procure and execute.

First the peanut butter, the foundational glue to the delicious delite.  The holiday season can be stressful.  Always somewhere to go and something to do can compound into an overwhelming task list that ends in anxiety.  To get through this period my analytical Virgin, you must keep a keen eye on the battery charge within your cosmic spacesuit.  Even the best task master takes time for a break between hard charges.  This month you must toke time for self at opportune moments.  Use the sacred herb at the right times to break free from terrestrial stress and recharge your proverbial batteries.  These solo smoke breaks with the sacred herb will provide the sticky glue of solitude that keeps the sandwich of success together.

And now stoner Virgo, the jelly.  The jelly adds the excitement to the stoner classic munchie.  The wonderful blessing of the holiday season is all the opportunities for celebratory gatherings within the canna-fam and the extended smoke circle.  It is predicted that the well-rested stoner Virgo will be living the high life in December.  Make sure you have your portable smoke kit and stash jar ready to roll, because this month you will be flying high from one smoke out to the next.

I have a specific prescription for the New Moon of the 14th.  Toke time with a cannabis companion to appreciate the relationship and terrestrial home built together.  Roast bowls and cuddle up for a night in.  For single stoner Virgo’s this time is equally important.  Peak emotional winds could be blowing through your house during the New Moon.  Stay in, sink deep into a solo smoke session, and contemplate appreciation for how you got to this sacred position on our terrestrial plane.

Remember stoner Virgo, balance is the key to success and progress in December.  Too much peanut butter will choke a dry cotton mouth.  Too much jelly might send you into a tailspin of sugar burn out.  But, together with proper balance, you have the perfect treat that will satisfy any stoner within the Zodiac.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Virgo not all periods of Mercury retrograde are created equally.  As you have learned in the past couple weeks, perhaps you are well equipped with cosmic traits that can thrive during such periods.  Inhale the calming nature of the sacred herb.  Recent frustrations and communication breakdowns will twist like a finely rolled joint into a period of great progress and understanding.  Sometimes it takes a rough patch to learn how thick our skin is.  Put Breakdown by Guns N Roses on your playlist; November is going to be rockin!

I have a specific task for your organized to-do list stoner Virgo:  Declutter.  Toke time early in the month to pack your favorite pipe with your favorite strain.  Use the sacred herb to enhance a productive smoke session crossing t’s and dotting i’s that remain from previous periods.  This medicated exercise with the sacred herb will cleanse the past, and free the future.

Now stoner Virgo, with a clean slate the real magic can occur.  The New Moon of the 14th marks an important period of great creativity and idea generation.  Typical of a stoner Virgo, once you clean your plate, you are ready to fill it back up again.  I recommend filling your stash jar with a sweet Sativa dominant hybrid cannabis strain for this period of great ingenuity.  Amnesia Haze should fill the pipe perfectly.  However, be forewarned:  Do not over extend on execution during this period.  Let the ideas and plans flow.  Memorialize them on paper or digital mediums, but don’t jump too quick to manifest them.  Perhaps this period will fill your days in the future, executing your amazing plans and ideas.  But for now, put out the bucket, and catch the rain of inspiration.

Be ready my energetic Virgin.  The new cycle of energy and flow will bring fellow terrestrial astronauts to your door.  Literally.  Don’t fret, I know your energetic style can mask trepidation for human contact, but the current universal influence will bring positivity and confidence to your outward expressions.  Seek balance with the sacred herb.  Seek out and fill your grinder with a high CBD cannabis strain.  The calming and soothing nature of this light stoney strain will keep the claustrophobic walls from closing in when social smoke circles occur.  Trust yourself stoner Virgo, you got this!

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Virgo October brings influential and impactful influence from the universe.  As the seed transforms into the flowering bud, there are many crucial actions and moments along the path.  The second Fall month is a potentially transformative period with long-term impacts for the stoner Virgin.

Stoner Virgo a grand harvest always starts with a seed.  You can’t consume ripe big buds without the first phase of the process.  Any grand project works in a similar way.  Every worthwhile endeavor starts with the seed of an idea.  In the same respect, those big beautiful buds will not grow without care and attention.  No idea grows into a grand event without follow-up effort and work.  Combust the sacred herb stoner Virgo to flush out the seeds of inspiration.  Then use the sacred herb as a catalyst to develop and nurture your grand plan.  Universal influence in October supports the nurtured growth of positive ideas, and all the work surrounding them.  Follow your inspiration, and build the foundation for big buds of success.

Many of the seeds of brilliance come from sacred instinct inside of you stoner Virgo.  In October, do not resist your instinct.  Your herbally enhanced third eye is wide open.  Feed it the green goodness it needs, and follow your cosmic vision.  This recipe of internal confidence will affect more than just your business efforts.  In October this sacred path will lead to the seeds of romance as well.  Whether you are partnered-up, or single roaming the terrestrial plain, positive results will come from trusting your third eye instincts.  No deep meditative dives with the sacred herb are required, but a steady diet of herbal enhancement will assist your romantic mission.

Stoner Virgo all spheres of life could be intertwined in the second Fall month.  Business, romantic, and even the physical health of your cosmic space suit all fall under the same sacred prescription.  And in many ways they could all feed the progression of each other.  Follow your instincts!  There are many medical benefits to the essence of the sacred herb.  Perhaps your third eye knowledge will take you on a new path of natural health directives.  Physical fitness of your cosmic space suit is paramount to a healthy terrestrial existence.  But each astronaut has a unique regiment of exercise that works best for them.

Stoner Virgo this is your prescription for October:  Embrace the grind, consume the green, plant seeds of inspiration, trust yourself, and celebrate with the canna-fam.  Plant, nurture, harvest.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Virgo Stoner Horoscope September

Virgo Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Virgo September brings cosmic blessings the likes of which have not been seen all year.  Yup, it will be a heaping bowl of green powered positivity this month. A shifting landscape may throw others off their feet, but not you, not this month stoner Virgo.  Herbal wings of positivity will keep you upright and moving forward toward progress.

Double down on the waves of positivity with the Lamb’s Bread Sativa strain.  Keep your stash jar filled to the rim.  Pinch or dip into it as much as you want this month.  You will already be floating, there is nothing stopping you from going even higher.

For single stoner Virgos there might be a smoke circle hook up in store in September!  For all other Virgins in the stoner Zodiac, this month may not be as innocent as your chart leads people to believe.  Once again the Lamb’s Bread cannabis prescription suits your romantic condition nicely.  Be sure to keep your mood and desires energetic and uplifting.  Your crush will appreciate the attention!  One important instruction to help you on your heart-filled travels stoner Virgo:  Listen.  Your cannabis companion or smoke circle crush will find your listening skills sexy.  An active listener is sure to be rewarded.

The work and business sphere may not be on the same elevated plain as the sphere of romance, but it will float on with pace and positivity.  All you need to solve problems, and leap over obstacles, are within your wonderful set of stoner traits.  Keep scratching off that to-do list my anal retentive stoner Virgo.  Obstacles are sure to pop up during the month, but they will easily be solved with a little patience and contemplation.  If you get stuck, be sure to take a step back, and contemplate the problem with a higher perspective induced by the sacred herb. 

Nothing can hold you back this month as long as you maintain your groovy lifted vibe, and stay steady on the grind.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Virgo the month of August sets up to be quite a wonderful period filled with cosmic progress and stoney companionship.  But the best news is this:  All that is required from the universe is within you my stoner Virgin.  Your cannabis prescription for August is open, so long as your natural traits, and wonderful nature, are unimpeded from leading you into the terrestrial fray.

In August there is a blessing from the planetary alignment that will expand your social wavelength.  Embrace a new comfortability within the crowd stoner Virgo.  Your smoke circle will almost certainly expand this month, and communion with the canna-crew will hold the key to personal progress.  You will almost certainly feel the increase in vibration through your meditations with the sacred herb, and your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts.

Don’t forget to be yourself!  Stoner Virgo you have a natural instinct for organization and truth.  Your perceptive mind and strong spirit are a blessing from the cosmos.  So often your strength of spirit and analytical nature can get you into trouble.  These experiences have caused anxiety and a cautious approach in the past.  Not this month stoner Virgo!  Let your freak flag fly, and your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts will bring support and appreciation. 

The month ends with complex cosmic conundrums.  Problems will come in the form of puzzles, but you can solve them stoner Virgo.  The cannabis prescription may be open for most of the month, but after the 24th, your sacred stash box must contain Sativa cannabis strains.  Energy, focus, and clarity will be required to finish the month with strength of spirit and progress at heart.  See through the traps of crossed wires with your herbally enhanced third eye vision.  Keeping the peace while analyzing that crucial puzzle piece will ensure the progress of the month is banked for future time periods.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July


Stoner Virgo the greenest gardens do not happen by luck.  It takes effort and considerable care if you want those big, dense, and frosty buds when harvest time comes.  The same applies to any other project and goal; whether you are planting this season’s crop, or planning the rest of your summer.  Embrace the process stoner Virgo:  Plan, prepare, and implement.  If you do this, you can expect positive results for all of your endeavors this July.  A word of caution for both literal and metaphorical gardens:  Don’t over water!  While it takes continual, and concerted, effort to see your investments bloom, you can do more harm than help by over tending.  Do what is needed to help shape outcomes, but don’t interfere too much.  Nothing grows faster just because we are constantly watching.

You may be conflicted as to how to feel about the commencement of summer stoner Virgo.  On one hand, you have the promise of long and hazy days; on the other, a fear that a stop-and-go cadence at work could hinder your productivity.  Don’t worry my lovely stoner Virgin, this summer you can be both efficient in your grind, and effective in your recreation.  Strive to maintain efficiency during work time, and fully embrace those moments set aside for leisure.  Enjoy the evenings relaxing and reflecting with your favorite strains.  Toke time to smell, and smoke, the flowers.  With the mind and spirit rested, you will be better equipped to take on whatever challenges await you when you get back to the office.  

Stoner Virgo, you are not the only one feeling restless after an indecisive spring.  Other stoner Zodiac signs have their stash jars filled, and are ready to join you on your terrestrial travels.  So load up, and get ready to light up stoner Virgo!  But remember that it’s okay to be selective with who you ultimately decide to invite on your cosmic space cruise.  While you may have many candidates who are down to roll, keep the smoke circle contained to those closest in your canna-crew.  This way you can truly relax and recreate:  Sharing the sunsets, the sacred herb, and all the season’s blessings with your partners-in-chronic, without the pressure of entertaining someone new.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June


Stoner Virgo, what goes up must come down, that much is known.  The true test of grit and determination is remembering that even if we fall, we can get back up again; and in most cases, make it to greater highs than you were before the fall.  You may feel discouraged during the first weeks of June while reminiscing on all the mad wins of May.  The transition to Summer may not be as hot as you imagined, but you will have plenty of opportunities to puff, puff, pick yourself up.  Select sacred cannabis strains relevant to the circumstance, stoner Virgo.  Avoid stimulating Sativas in the evening when it is time to unwind, and similarly don’t become couch-locked with a deep Indica if you partake in a morning roast and toast.  If you embrace the sacred sensimilla with a practical, sensible approach, it can be the catalyst needed to get you back on cloud nine.

Stoner Virgo, it can be disheartening at times to see others win big on their first attempt, while you wait for the fruits of your unending labor to finally blossom.  Don’t worry about what others are doing, you’re in it for the long haul.  There are few who question your diligence, and even more who will be ready, and willing, to join forces on big picture issues.  If you are fortunate enough to toke with your coworkers, make sure meditative and creative smoke sessions are plentiful and productive.  Otherwise, even if you enjoy your marijuana meditations solo, be sure to share your inspirations and insights with your peers when you’re back to the mission on Monday.

Stoner Virgo you are more than capable of blazing your way toward summer, charting new territories and seeking out new smoke spots by yourself.  However, we both know it will be more fun with a cannabis cohort in tow.  Whether this person is your longtime partner-in-chronic, or a recently acquainted smoke buddy, bring along the canna-crew on your smoky adventures.  While the challenges of work will not disappear, it will be difficult to dwell when the weekend comes.  Keep the stash jar loaded; cannabis companions will be down to ride and willing to help lighten the load.  By the second half of the month, you and all of your ganja-loving friends will find your cosmic grooves.  The only thing that will be required of you during this time, is to keep the sacred herb close, and good company even closer.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May


Stoner Virgo May promises to be a time of uncertainty:  Cosmic rain, followed by sun rays, followed by cloudy chaos.  But you wouldn’t have it any other way, would you my rambunctious Virgin.  After all, you relish the prospect of a good challenge.  Instead of taking this as an opportunity to flex, use this unique period for introspection.  You are certain to succeed in your endeavors, but challenge yourself by reaching your successful ends through creative means.  Sacred Sativa strains should be your signature smoke this month.  Invoke the sacred herb, and rise above the cosmic haze.  Don’t indulge knee-jerk reactions, but be ready to employ your own unique, unconventional, methods to solving particularly troublesome problems.

Stoner Virgo when it comes to work, keep the long game in mind.  While you should keep your eyes on the finish line, remember you’re running a marathon, not a sprint.  There will be long stretches of steady progress, and times you will need to slow down to recoup your energy.  It’s all about the slow burn stoner Virgo.  We might get excited when acquiring an ounce of our favorite good green, but it would be a waste to smoke it all in one session.  The same sentiment applies to your efforts on the clock.  Pace yourself.  Know what tasks must be done for the day, and once you’ve accomplished your to-dos, take a break.  Crack into the sacred stash, roll one up, and relish a job well done.  

Remember stoner Virgo, you don’t have to go at it alone.  It might be out of character to ask for help, but your closest partners-in-chronic are waiting in the wings.  If you have the plan, they are willing to provide the hands needed to get the job done.  Those who puff together, progress together.  It is true that sharing is caring, whether it is a freshly packed bowl, or a heavy load up the steepest hill.  Your cannabis companions will always be down to ride, and are always ready to roll one up!

Stay on the grind this Spring.  Summer is around the corner.  You and the canna-fam have countless smoke spots to discover.  Some might warn against having your head in the clouds stoner Virgo, but now is the perfect time to have higher aspirations. 

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April


Stoner Virgo April is going to be a time potentially marred with ambiguity. Winter has melted away, but we are not quite yet to the burning days of summer.  This somewhere-in-between feeling can be overwhelming if you do not find some way to release the pressure. Don’t let uncertainty get the best of you! What are your passions, your interests stoner Virgo? Instead of resigning yourself to be simply a cog in the cosmic machine, channel that restless energy into creating something, anything!  And, it’s okay if you find yourself pausing, unsure of where to begin in your creative conquests. Find your favorite secluded smoke spot, and dive deep into your subconscious. Inhale, exhale, and examine, stoner Virgo. 

There is a reason we call it the sacred herb.  Although good greens can be an excellent way to relax and to recreate, it can also be a catalyst, allowing us to explore the most inner reaches of our being.  Self discovery, on a personal level, may unintentionally reverberate into other realms, including that of work. But remember stoner Virgo: Unexpected does not always mean unwelcomed. Shifting perspective with many contemplative late nights and marijuana musings, can lead to exactly the kind of out-of-the-box thinking needed to tackle tough problems.  Personal smoke sessions can affect workplace dilemmas. While usually preferring to go it alone when getting work down, the stoner Virgo is likely to find odd enjoyment when working on team projects. Maybe it is the conversation and the comradery; or maybe it is the realization that when more hands are lifting, the load is easier to carry. This does not mean you have to sacrifice your autonomy. Help is a two-way street. Those from who you solicit insight and advice, will be equally thankful to hear your input when roles are reversed.

Stoner Virgo, whether the seeds of attraction were just planted, or sown long ago, you can expect to experience healthy growth in the field of love in April.  This will be true for romantic cannabis companions, and platonic partners-in-chronic alike. For those who are single and looking to change their status, or simply make a new friend, be forewarned:  Seek connections in smaller, more selective smoke circles. It is true that sharing is caring, but you don’t have to smoke out every stoney stranger. This April, share your most special stash only with those who genuinely elevate your mood, or make you smile and laugh when they are passing you the kind.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March


Stoner Virgo the first Spring month will be like our favorite plant.  More precisely, like a cannabis garden. It may sound cliche when we say things like, “Life is a garden, dig it.”  In March the comparison runs deeper. You can expect to experience it all stoner Virgo: The struggle of seeding, the restless hopefulness of a vegetative state, and ultimately the rewarding feeling when your efforts fully flower.  

Do not put on those rose colored glasses quite yet, stoner Virgo.  The first decade of March will be marred by notable struggles. You will feel dueling cosmic forces pulling you in conflicting directions:  The highs will be high, and unfortunately equally low lows. During this time you will be uniquely positioned to turn opposition into opportunity, and nurture your spiritual and mental gardens. What begins as a confusing and chaotic time, will clear, and become more concise as you weed out what isn’t working and invest your energy into prospects more likely to bear fruit, or at least into activities that bring you joy. 

Your economic dealings should follow a similar template of caution followed by deliberate determination.  Do not start off the month taking long shots with uncertain payoffs. On the clock, don’t take on more than you know you can get done.  Make sure you have clearly stated goals, stick to the grind, and you will make it through. However, during your free hours, you should have a different goal in mind:  Make sure you toke the time to light up your favorite strain of the sacred herb. Meditate and recreate with the sacred herb often stoner Virgo. Remember, all toils are temporary, as long as you toke time to focus on the big picture, and long term well being.

The 9th marks the emergence of the full moon.  Be ready stoner Virgo. While this will not be a cure all for momentary maladies, the immense lunar presence will shine light, and aid you in transitioning into full grow mode.  Veg time is over stoner Virgo. If you spent the early days nurturing worthwhile projects, and your cosmic space suit, you can expect a bountiful harvest, and a period of continued elevation.  Even if you do not go too wild, it will be a time of personal expansion and great endo-exploration. Moments of pause will give way to progress, and you will have cosmic blessings to pursue your passions.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February

Virgo Stoner Horoscope February


Stoner Virgo, if you take time to reflect on the closing months of the past year, you are likely to find yourself feeling more bumped and bruised than you remembered.  Your ceaseless grind kept you moving forward during this time, but perhaps not always in the direction you intended. January was a time for you to hit pause, find your center, get grounded, and regain your bearings.  While the sun might not always be shining, you can proceed towards a brighter season knowing you are supported by the stars.

February brings good news stoner Virgo!  The dazed and confused days of consternation are behind you … mostly.  The stars are aligned, and at the ready to bring you stellar support! However, it is inevitably up to you as to how to best utilize this backing.  It is advised you take time during the early days of the month for quiet meditative smoke sessions. While you are sure to have plenty of social endo-excursions with the cannabis crew during later weeks, these early days of meditation should be a solo mission.  Allow yourself the time to dig deep into your spiritual soils stoner Virgo. You can breathe a little easier knowing you will have all the nutrients needed to feed the growth you want to see, however, you will first have to figure out how high you want your branches to reach.

While you are discovering silver linings within your personal realm, the financial facets should bring some golden opportunities.  This doesn’t mean you are going to win the lottery, stoner Virgo, but small substantial changes can produce big results when it comes to your finances.  Whether it is time to make that career shift move, or you implement smaller strategic adjustments in your current occupation, efficiency will be on the up.  

As you move through February, the month of love, you will find your love of self as equally important.  Confidence will expand with this loving gaze into the mirror. Fortunately hazy clouds and gloomy moods do not last forever. Recent months have been marred by uncertainty and cautious steps. But, you’re back stoner Virgo!  Rally the stoner crew and get ready to recreate and celebrate. There is work to be done. You will be red-eyed, but clear minded, and able to rise above. You have experienced substantial lows of late, but this simply means you are headed towards greater heights, and the highs will be all the higher!

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January

Virgo Stoner Horoscope January


January will be a fresh start for some, but for you stoner Virgo, it will be a time when seeds long ago planted finally coming to fruition.  Most of December you may have felt stagnant, existing in a primarily vegitative state. But, good things take time to mature; while it may seem like it has taken forever for your garden to flower, know that your roots have grown deep.  The closing months of 2019 may have seemed to cool down for you, just like the seasons. However you established a solid foundation to begin the new year with plants of positive success. While it will not happen all at once, success early in the month will be a motivating force, and it will establish momentum that will propel you throughout the year.  

Stoner Virgo you can expect your peers and bosses in the workplace to notice your improved mood and confidence.  Your personal accomplishments will translate into a let’s-get-it-done mentality when on the clock. And this optimism will be contagious.  In January, you will be able to have your bud, and smoke it too. You will have the capacity to take on more responsibilities in your position.  This may lead to that much anticipated raise. And yes stoner Virgo, you may still have more time to relax and recreate with the smoke circle in your free time.  Others will wonder what is the secret to your super powers. In reality, the truth is much simpler: When it’s time to grind, stay off the grass! Separating work and smoke times will maximize productivity, and enhance the enjoyment you get from each.  

The scent of kind bud is not the only aroma that will be in the atmosphere this month. Stoner Virgo romance is in the air!  This applies to both single and partnered stoner Virgos alike. Maybe an old flame has reemerged on the scene, or you are seeing your current partner-in-chronic in a new light.  Either way, be patient. You don’t want to ruin a good grow-op by forcing things to flower before they are ready. Things will mature in their own time stoner Virgo. In the meantime, pack a bowl for two, and enjoy each other’s company.  Even if love is not written in the stars, or even the end goal, strengthened bonds with a friendly cannabis companion will not be a bad way to start off the new year!

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December

Virgo Stoner Horoscope December


As 2019 comes to a close, there is more than retrospective meditation required for the stoner Virgo.  The final month of the year will offer support and opportunity for investment in self. No, my introspective Virgin, the cosmic investment opportunity in December won’t necessarily have monetary gain, or deep mental progression at its core.  It will be the core of your cosmic spacesuit that could benefit most.

It’s time for an action plan stoner Virgo.  The hustle and bustle of terrestrial life has worn your spacesuit down.  Checking vital signs, and testing operational functionality of your spacesuit has always fallen down on your multitasking to-do list.  Not in December! Toke deep stoner Virgo and inhale the sacred herb: The to-do list and your ambitious projects will always be present.  At some point you must include relaxation and physical health in your busy plans.  

Early in the month, take a break from the economic grind to chop up some good green.  Burn a sacred bowl for the soul. Dive deep into self, and seek clarity as to your primary directives.  Somewhere in this logical drive, there must be care instructions for your Earthly personal shell. The current planetary alignment gives broad support to health and wellness in December.

Perhaps your contemplation with cannabis will shine a light on the needs of your cosmic spacesuit.  We aren’t strictly speaking about anaerobic exercise, but everybody does need it. Perhaps your personal wellness plan includes less screen time with your technological master.  Maybe that long overdue doctor’s appointment finally gets fulfilled. Some might finally take that Zumba, Jujitsu, or yoga class that keeps dropping on the to-do list. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to dive deep within yourself, and discover your needed to-do list of physical diagnostics.

Love thyself stoner Virgo.  Invest energy, care, and concern for yourself.  The diagnostic work put into the cosmic spacesuit in December will have long lasting rewards, and also establish wonderful habits moving into the new year.  Cheers.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November

Virgo Stoner Horoscope November


Stoner Virgo look out for strange coincidences and happy accidents during the final Fall month. These minute, but meaningful, interactions can result in bursts of breakthrough in understanding, and subtle symbiotic cannabis connections. While it will serve you well to pay attention to the little things, avoid over analyzing and cultivating unnecessary feelings of paranoia. You can rest and recreate with your favorite strain in peace stoner Virgo. These unusual moments in November will be filled with progress and positivity. If you do encounter tense times, you will be able to easily rise above, and puff puff pass on any negative vibes.

If you are still not reassured, know that universal influences will temper moments of anxiety. Even introvert Virgos will find settling moments of solace amidst the subtle bustle of their social smoke circles. While solo smoke sessions and marijuana meditations will still be required for the stoner Virgo, there is great benefit to be found in communing with fellow cannabis cohorts. Insight can be gained while enjoying a little secondhand toke with the buds. Great ideas can come from good company and kind bud. But, in the end the stoner Virgo will still be solely responsible for implementing any ideas that may come from these social musings.

This independent hustle will be most prominent on the job. November is a likely period to make a noticeable impact at work. It’s all up to you stoner Virgo! Each shining success and every sliding setback rests ultimately on your shoulders. At first glance this may seem daunting, but don’t fret, you got this. Stick to the script stoner Virgo: Establish your plan of attack, and stay focused on each task on the to-do list. Off the clock, it will be crucial to maintain physical and mental well being. A fresh bowl of sticky Indica can help maximize moments of relaxation, and efficiently recharge the soul. Switch to Sativa dominant strains when it is time to brainstorm big ideas for work. Once you develop the vision, take action! Repeat, and watch action quickly become measurable progress. Whether or not you are awarded ‘Employee-of-the-Month,’ you can be certain coworkers and bosses will take note of your stellar skills.

While the stoner Virgo is grinding hard at work, in the personal sphere strange cosmic currents will push them in romantic directions. The positivity of the period will increase mood and confidence. Desired cannabis companions will see this glowing aura, and will gravitate toward the optimistic orbit. Single and partnered stoner Virgos should ride this positive cosmic wave. Channel energy toward physical self improvement. Push the cosmic spacesuit to improve reliability. You will need increased endurance to make the most of the month; as all positive things will compound on each other in November.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October

Virgo Stoner Horoscope October


Stoner Virgo you can only control your actions and reactions within a changing terrestrial landscape. Cosmic influences in October will bring another class in communication studies. You will never be able to control the action or reaction of a cannabis companion, but you can always take responsibility for yourself within a debate or conversation. Toke time early in the month to meditate and contemplate about the true nature of communications. There are many factors to a line of communication: Message sent, message received, intent, attitude, and even the method. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to tune in the third eye. How cannabis companions interpret your communication, and how you react to their interpretation are all key factors in the accurate delivery of the message. And the bottom line should always be the intended message stoner Virgo, both giving and receiving.

Other star signs may be feeling a chaotic universal wind in October. But you stoner Virgo are organized and undeterred in the face of brisk challenges. There will be many moments to give back to your canna-crew as they seek advice, and support, dealing with obstacles. Keep your portable stash stocked as a cannabis companion may need a warm smile and fresh weed. However be forewarned stoner Virgo: There is a difference between helping and submerging yourself with the problems of fellow terrestrial tokers. Combust the sacred herb and contemplate before you jump into your canna-buddy’s pool of problems.

In the workplace you may need a little herbal assistant to stay on task this month. The current planetary alignment may subdue your efficient energetic workflow. When faced with stress or fatigue within the daily economic grind, pack the bowl with an energetic Sativa strain of the sacred herb to help boost enthusiasm and clear the air. A little herbal reset before resuming the grind.

Dragon Shooter Steamroller

Virgo Stoner Horoscope September

Virgo Stoner Horoscope September


Stoner Virgo the month will start with your head high in the clouds. However, your feet will be firmly grounded. You should be on maximum grind mode in the early days of September. Sunny afternoons should be spent soaking up, and smoking up the last days of summer. Toke time for musing with the marijuana crew, and conspiring with the cannabis cohorts. These social smoke sessions will help everyone view small terrestrial details from a wider, and higher perspective.

You can expect cannabis companions to come to you for advice in the first Fall month. Embrace the role of the ganja guru stoner Virgo. You appreciate that others seek your wisdom, and trust your guidance. Sharing kind words, and possibly tough love, in the early weeks of this period will be important. In the final weeks of the month, you will be the one who needs to rely on a helping hand. Just remember that sharing is caring, and it works both ways. At times it means puff, puff, passing those fresh and fragrant greens when things are going good; and to keep puffing-on to share in the struggle, and help each other rise above the hazy fray during tough times.

Work will be vigorous. But don’t worry, busy is how you like it. The month of September will be filled with hard work and strong investment into passionate projects. Although you work best alone, this month you may find friends and coworkers keeping up with your pace. Lean into any potentially beneficial collaborations, even if you have to feign enthusiasm. The returns on investments may surprise you.

Everything sounds great, right? Smoking and sharing the highs and lows with the cannabis crew on the weekends, and getting substantial work done while on the clock. The advice to go head first during the early weeks of the month should not be ignored. September 22 marks the autumnal equinox; the final day of summer and most importantly a drastic pivot point for the stoner Virgo. They will not disappear, but those good cosmic feelings might burn a little cooler. Those same wonderful creative projects can become burdened with deadlines and enthusiasm might wane. In the days after the equinox it is advised you don’t over toke, but select your sessions to relax for clarity. You can’t prevent the positive waves from the beginning of the month from crashing into confusion, but you can prepare. So, keep calm, stay strong, and smoke on, stoner Virgo.

Smokin Js Anniversary

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August

Virgo Stoner Horoscope August


Stoner Virgo the current planetary alignment will focus on you with a blinding magnification. This intense influence will accentuate all the attributes of the stoner Virgo. Both positive and negative attributes will be exposed to the terrestrial world.

Know thyself stoner Virgo. Toke time to medicate and meditate with the sacred herb early in the month. Use this solo dive to understand your own inner workings. You can be sensible, honest, analytical, logical, and diligent. But you can also be caustic, anxious, and irritating.

Medicate with the sacred herb to smooth out the rough edges at the positive and negative ends of the personality spectrum. A balanced hybrid will be best suited this month to deal with the ups and downs of the cosmic roller coaster. Excitement, focus, and energy will abound. Calming smoke sessions will help cool the burnt spacesuit from the hot terrestrial mission. Lamb’s Bread and Super Lemon Haze are two strains that assist with focus and anxiety.

Accomplishments will shine under this blinding summer sun. As long as you stay on target, you will not miss your shot. Puff puff pass on the little annoyances of life; you have work to do. Don’t get bogged down by petty distractions. Perhaps this hindrance will come within your own obsessive mind. Evening out the highs and the lows has just as much to do with your internal condition as it does the world around you. Toward the end of August goals will become more pronounced and progress will be within arms reach.

Social time smoking it up under the summer sun will be limited. Too many projects in your head can be hard to explain over shared bowls. Smoke circle acquaintances may have their own projects in full swing. Collaborative smoke sessions may help, but in the end your projects are yours alone.

Don’t forget to maintain the spacesuit on your cosmic summer mission. Shots of water and CBD gummies are perfect accessories on any high minded voyage.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July 2019

Virgo Stoner Horoscope July 2019


Stoner Virgo let’s employ the Atari video game Pitfall to fully understand the traps and opportunities of the month. Your path may not be predetermined, but walk the path you must. There will be sturdy rope swings to take you safely across obstacles; and there will be hidden traps that set you back on your progressive path. Much like the video game, your fate will rest in your actions and decisions regarding each obstacle and opportunity.

General advice becomes its own trap in July. Each stoner Virgo will have their own progressive path to navigate. The tools to promote progress within each inflection point could vary drastically between each individual. Know thyself stoner Virgo. Use the sacred herb as a meditative guide to engage your third eye, and connect your inner self with external decision making. Opportunities will come at you fast in July. But some of these opportunities will be pitfalls in disguise. The stoner Virgo will need all the tools available to engage opportunities and obstacles. You must channel your stoney psychic inner self to navigate the path ahead.

Again, I cannot give a specific sacred herbal prescription to aid in your video game adventure. Cannabis strains may be like that ancient Atari controller. By engaging your third eye in the decision-making, the likelihood of selecting the correct action will increase. Whatever actions and decisions you make in July, please remember stoner Virgo: This life is a game. Play hard. Play smart. Have fun.

There is a soft edge to this ominous monthly reading. All stoner Virgos will have an increased opportunity for companionship. Those already with cannabis companions should utilize the sacred herb to grease the gears of romance. Those that puff together stay together. Single Virgos may be distracted by all the video game action, but they will find new cannabis cohorts to share in the ganja game.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June 2019

Virgo Stoner Horoscope June 2019


Freedom! The first summer month will bring a cosmic lubricant to any stoner Virgos stuck in the grind of life. Romance, business, all spheres will be affected by this cosmic blessing. Put on your cannabis club kicks; your dance card with the sacred herb is wide open. Any, and all, strains can be considered during your terrestrial travels during June.

Freedom is an interesting concept stoner Virgo. The universe is not blessing you with the ability to do what you want, when you want, with whomever you want. This freedom is more tied to an outcome of result. With a well mapped plan, and solid decision making, nothing is standing in your way for any desired outcome. Toke time on many occasions during this period to medicate and meditate with the sacred herb. Focus on the actions required to arrive at a desired location. Universal influences will assist you in all tasks and activities toward that goal; but a cannabis inspired outline will be necessary to write the final chapter.

Be forewarned stoner Virgo: Freedom for fellow terrestrial astronauts must be respected. All universal support will flip to negative headwinds if your travels take advantage or suppress the freedom of others. Puff puff pass on manipulation stoner Virgo. Consult with your cannabis companions if an ethical dilemma may arise. Their herbal inspired wisdom could help navigate moral pitfalls.

Bowls are best shared together in June. Celebrate freedom with your fellow terrestrial astronauts. Inspiration, assistance, and joy is sure to come from smokey summer adventures with your best buds. For single Virgos, these adventurous excursions may lead to cannabis companion prospects. For partnered Virgos these terrestrial treks will reinvigorate the engines of love. No matter your relationship status, June is sure to be a period of enlightenment and smoke circle expansion.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May 2019

Virgo Stoner Horoscope May 2019


Stoner Virgo, the final month of spring will be marked by a rain of positivity from a supportive celestial alignment. In order to make the most of these benefits, you must stay active. Avoid couchlock and putting off tasks for later. While it may always be nice to get high, those who remain ‘high minded’ will be the winners of the day. Keep your focus on the big picture; getting bogged down within the swamp of minutia is likely to stall progress.

Stoner Virgos are advised to carve out specific times for meditative smoke sessions. Before you can spread optimism, you must strive to be your optimal self. There is a distinct difference between a ‘live and let live’ mentality, and simply being lazy. The obvious goal is to be part of the first mindset. Your success should not be contingent upon the actions of others. Which also means you should not worry yourself over others’ actions. Instead, when able, take the opportunity to smoke a bowl and turn the third eye inward. While the universe is sure to offer potential for prospective progress, it will be up to you, stoner Virgo, to take action. Whether it means staying a little late, or arriving to the job a little early, make the most of the situation at hand by being ready to rise to the occasion. Your diligence will ensure you are ready for that big moment when opportunity calls.

True for all stoner Virgos, personal obstacles must be conquered alone. This serves as a reminder that stoner Virgos will require solo toke time in order to prepare themselves for the demands of external forces. Bringing smoke circle acquaintances into personal situations might result in adding unnecessary fuel to the fire. Do your best to make sure you are prepared for any and all obstacles that might arise. While it can be nice to share a moment and a bowl with our fellow cannabis companions, there are times when we must rise to the occasion on our own. Be confident in your ability to overcome any, and all, adverse conditions the cosmos may bring your way. Once you have conquered the conflicts of the day, be ready to call upon your bud-loving buddies to spark one up or share a celebratory bowl for the win.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April 2019

Virgo Stoner Horoscope April 2019


For the stoner Virgos that felt last month’s challenges with intensity, you’ll be pleased to know that Mercury’s current alignment will minimize both the positive and negative aspects of April. You could say the cosmic house is empty, so this would be the perfect time to throw on your favorite dancing skivvies and let loose. Spark one up, and get your sock slide going. In April it will be crucial to get up, dust yourself off, and try again stoner Virgo!

Persistence within your endeavors will significantly boost chances of success. Just because one facet doesn’t work out does not mean all is lost. Perception is over half the battle. Seek creative solutions and paths, both in work and in love. In the wise words of Mick Jagger, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.” Don’t be afraid to think outside the box my virtuous Virgo! An unorthodox approach might be exactly what you need to keep rolling this month. Meditation with the sacred herb will assist in finding the direction you seek. When you’ve smoked it over, choose a direction or path, and stick to it.

Stoner Virgos that see what they want, and aren’t hesitant to take the steps necessary to get it, will find that these steps become updrafts filling their wings for flight. Task mastery will be high in April. Take on projects that have short term results, and thus get you into your groove quicker! This active month will bare the most fruit during or adjacent to this period.

For those Virgo’s out there who feel stuck in the corporate grind, consider kick starting that side hustle you’ve been thinking about. Not only will this allow you to do something you enjoy, but could eventually be the key to financial freedom! Perhaps your stoney sock sliding adventures will lead to a canna-business inspiration.

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March 2019

Virgo Stoner Horoscope March 2019


Stoner Virgo the first spring month will bring a break in negative storm clouds brought by Mercury during 2019. The month should be positive and bright, but only for an attentive stoner Virgo. March will require a combination of already held talents, and newfound patience, to conquer important obstacles. Critical decisions must be assessed and contemplated, not tackled with instinct and brute force. Honest investigation must be made before trotting down chosen paths ahead.

Inhale, breathe in the sacred herb, and meditate on your strengths stoner Virgo. March will require a keen third eye to assess the actual and metaphorical landscape ahead. You are so good at trusting your intuition and gut instincts; but March will require more of you. Medicated meditative smoke sessions should focus on patience and follow through. Your initial quick gut reaction could lead to your downfall. Look past the initial evidence. Rise high above the situation and seek alternative sources of information. Use your third eye to seek alternate perspectives.

The work and business sphere will be fairly straight forward this month. Tackling tasks is what you do right? However, be forewarned stoner Virgo: Solo attacks on problems won’t get the job done correctly. Seek consensus and group discussion from your amazing smoke circle surrounding you. Be sure to include your canna-crew in the process of obstacle resolution, and in your own personal conflicts. Smoke them out, and talk it out. Wonderfully creative solutions are sure to develop from a shared experience with the sacred herb.

The overall theme of the month certainly includes your personal sphere. Patience, follow through, and deeper thought will be required to receive the most from this dynamic and positive month. Toke time for self with the sacred herb when a personal puzzle becomes too complex. The answers and appropriate direction is there to be discovered with a little extra contemplation with our green goddess of understanding.

Virgo February 2019

Virgo February 2019


Stoner Virgos can expect to feel a magnetic pull from both negative and positive forces this month. Some would say it’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Or, like having some sweet, frosty nugs, but no way to smoke them. Maybe a giant plate of medicated brownies, but no fellow cosmic traveler to share them with. What might first appear to be setbacks, may in fact be new chances and opportunities to take on. If you allow time for the smoke to clear, you will find new paths and successful solutions to seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Stoner Virgos who run toward specific challenges, instead of retreating, will find personal breakthroughs in February. This will evolve their creativity and discover newfound confidence from facing these challenges. The best advice is to take the higher route. Stoner Virgos are advised to seek a higher vantage point: Take time, to toke time with the sacred herb and rise high above the terrestrial plane. Invoke the enlightenment of earthly herbs to help expand the vision of the third eye.

In order to reach specific personal goals, a certain amount of multi-tasking will be required of stoner Virgos. This means working to strike a delicate balance between give and take. Meditate with the sacred herb stoner Virgo. Focus on being flexible and adaptable, but be sure to not sacrifice your voice, especially in the workplace. You will play the crucial part of mediator among your coworkers, but it will be necessary to speak up when the situation calls for it.

Keep close to your most intimate smoke circle stoner Virgo. Don’t be afraid to lean on those closest to you for strength and advice. But, let it be clearly understood, you must trust the source of this advice and inspiration. While there are many who will gladly smoke you out, only those who have your best interests in mind will stay with you after the smoke clears. Rest assured stoner Virgo, allies and foes will be revealed. So, keep your smoke circle strong, but close. Reliance on those who do not actively seek mutual progress will doom your efforts.

Virgo January 2019

Virgo January 2019


Stoner Virgo as the New Year gets underway, you are likely to feel like the cosmic currents are pulling you in conflicting directions. Unfortunately, the planetary positions will affect your own inner alignment during this period. You may notice this dampens your self confidence and belief in your own abilities. Stoner Virgo the important thing is that you are aware of this particular nuisance. By embracing this obstacle and facing it head on, you will be better equipped to overcome the challenges ahead. Now is the time to look to your cannabis compatriots for a helping hand. Keep your smoke circle close, and selective. While sharing can be caring, you want to know who you share the sacred sensimilla with.

The cosmos may be ambiguous in its plans for the near future, but you’re in it for the long hall. Go with the flow. This doesn’t mean you should be a passive observer to current events, but rather be conscious to avoid using force when unnecessary. It will take a focused effort, but you will be up to the challenge. You will experience the greatest success if you are able to strike a balance between personal goals, and how these internal aspirations are manifested externally. You have a strong desire to positively affect your surroundings. It all starts from within. Once you are able to align your chakras and find your inner peace, you will be a radiant source of light helping those around you see through the smoke.

Stoner Virgo revelations will come this January that will strengthen your bonds with your fellow cosmic travelers. The better you understand yourself, the greater knowledge and harmony you will experience with loved ones. Although you will not be able to rely upon the stars to guide you this month, you should remain confident in your own ability to reach your final destination. However, be forewarned: When it comes to your finances, any optimism should be accompanied by healthy skepticism. Debt and overspending in moments of glee, or when under the influence, could hurt you in future periods. Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb before making decisions involving large sums of money.

It’s a fresh start and a new year stoner Virgo. Enjoy many, hazy, ganja-filled gatherings with your fellow stoners. Just be sure you let the smoke clear before you begin any serious endeavors.

Virgo December 2018

Virgo December 2018


What’s the rush stoner Virgo? Wait, that’s right, there isn’t one. This December you should expect to move along at a slow, but steady burn. Stock up on any smoking supplies you may need early in the month, and make sure your nug jars are full. Your main goal will be to recharge the body, rejuvenate the spirit, and celebrate another successful year. The stars have aligned in your favor stoner Virgo. You will not have to go out of your way to take advantage of these cosmic opportunities, just be ready to act when they come.

While you can expect support from the cosmos, it will still take initiative on your part to set events in motion. Be deliberate and careful with your movements. This month is not a period to push or chance fate. December is a great time to plant the seeds which will grow far into the coming year. Put in the work now and then rest stoner Virgo. Reflect on your current success and bask in the all the prospective beauty yet to come.

Both in the personal realm and the workplace, creativity will be high. Cosmic winds will support any and all creative endeavors. So, be courageous in your undertakings. Do not be afraid of failure stoner Virgo. Attack lingering problems head on! Now is the time to accept responsibility, and seek to end issues which may have remained longer than you care to admit. Remember opportunity knocks, but it will not wait around forever. You may find you will do some of your best work by yourself. Whether it is tackling tough problems at work, or relaxing with a freshly packed bowl after hours, you will find something comforting in solitude. These solo smoke sessions will be the perfect platform for constructive, creative musings.

Single stoner Virgos should ride the waves, not create them. Patience is better than persistence when it comes to pursuing any potential partners to become your extra special cannabis companion. Play it cool stoner Virgo, and you will easily avoid any unnecessary explosions with friends or stoney suitors. December will be a good time to keep the peace pipe ready to spark up when the situation arises. This doesn’t mean you should expect any significant altercations. Sometimes, it is simply a pleasant way to share a bright period of positivity with your fellow partners-in-chronic.

Virgo November 2018

Virgo November 2018


Stoner Virgo whether or not you practice yoga, or make a weekly trip to the gym, it will be important for you to remain flexible this month. Just like the seasons, your surroundings are constantly changing. As long as you are willing and able to adapt, you will be ready to handle any curve ball the cosmos throws your way. With your chakras properly aligned, you will be able to share good vibes and great ganja with your closest partners-in-chronic.

It is recommended you stick to the sticky indicas this month stoner Virgo. Feel the body, ease the mind, and when needed use those calming herbs to stay grounded. Others are counting on you this month to be the stone which anchors them through rough winds. However, this does not mean you are responsible for their plight. As long as you are willing to stick with them through the highs and the lows, you will provide the support needed. Just do not over-promise! Be sure you are willing to go the distance, wherever the journey takes you. Otherwise you will hinder, not help, your fellow cosmic travelers.

For stoner Virgos who are responsible for leading others, it will be of the utmost importance to take stock of employees’ concerns. While HR may not be the most exciting part of work life, your response to dilemmas can mean the difference between setbacks or success. Stay calm, cool and collected when dealing with subordinates. An open heart and mind will inspire those around you, and will help to elevate the crew to an even higher level. If you are a stoner Virgo whose responsibility is to grind hard, keep crushing the workload. Even if you don’t hold a leadership position, your efforts and aspirations will inspire your peers to become the best version of themselves. Some say the sky’s the limit, but you have bigger plans and greater goals. While some may shoot for the moon, you should look beyond and set your sights on the stars!

Your inner light will burn bright throughout the month of November, and it will brighten the spirits of all those who cross your starry path. Be forewarned stoner Virgo, this period of prosperity comes with one tale of caution: Know your limits! While you may want to help everyone in your smoke circle, you can’t fire up others if you let your own flame burn out.

Virgo October 2018

Virgo October 2018


The month of October will bring out the most Virgo-like qualities in you. Your attention to detail will prove to be of great assistance to you during this time. Plan execution and task mastery will be at an ultimate peak, but be wary of potential buzz kills trying to crash your productivity party.

In your professional life, it is likely that you will have to call on outside sources for assistance dealing with issues outside of your expertise. Be forewarned stoner Virgo, there are challenges to this necessary reliance. Fact check to make sure that you are not receiving bunk information, and purge out anyone who may be taking advantage or mooching off of your hard work. Diligence, confidence, and awareness will be the keys to a kush month for you. The current planetary alignment is pushing you into a planning phase. Although big accomplishments will not come this month, now is the time to lay the building blocks for future success. Don’t let a few uncomfortable circumstances allow your mental cherry to burn out. You’ve got this!

Your personal life is in need of a good detox this month. This does not mean that you need to lay the pipe down for good, but rather don’t get so caught up in a smoky haze. October smoke clouds could obscure obstacles in your path. It is important to routinely assess your cosmic wavelength and emotional karma. Honesty is key.

Take a microscopic look at those in your smoke circle. Are these healthy relationships? Do they treat you like a smoke buddy, or a bag of schwag? Have you been treating them like the good bud they are? Now might not be the most idealistic time to try to calibrate the scales of friendship, but with a reflective step back you might notice that there are some toxic relationships clogging up your pipe.

Virgo September 2018

Virgo September 2018


From the slow uneventful to the fire Stoner Virgo! September will give you a chance to blaze your path to glory. But be ready! Protect yourself from whiplash, as positive movement and the momentum it gains will amaze you.

From time to time our lives can feel like a stuck bolt. Regardless of wrenching, oiling, and due diligence, the harder you push the further you get nowhere. It’s infuriating, right? In the first month of fall, everything that goes around comes back around. The cosmos has brought an opportunity for you to unstick this karmic or cosmic jam. Planetary alignment is now in your favor! Finally, you’ll be able to crack the code and move forward.

This is an exciting time for you, but this positive momentum comes with a warning! This opportunity, this gift from the universe, can be undone with careless words or actions. Your communication tools are a great asset, but also potentially a great liability. Bold words and actions must be chosen wisely, planned and acted out precisely. Don’t accidentally dismiss the cosmic opportunity practically being handed to you with a quick snide remark, or dismissive tardy attendance. If forward momentum is what you seek, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for.

Excel, is the root word for excellence. To excel in your work sphere this September you must be excellent. The universe is aligned and ready for you on your journey of positivity. Each of us has our time, and this is yours. Be the first to step up, be responsible, crush the opposition.

The lens of excelling isn’t the one to use on your personal sphere stoner Virgo. Instead, just have fun! Enjoyment should be the operative word on this fine month of September. Avoid heavy contemplative Indica strains. Couchlock is the enemy! Arm yourself with energetic Sativa strains, and get out as much as you can with your cannabis companions. Take that trip, enjoy life, feel the positive vibes of the universe flowing through you!

Stoner Virgo just as you watch others, they look to you when they need a different perspective. A good portion of your success this month depends on how you influence others. Toke time to share that pep in your step with your broader smoke circle. It’d be a shame to keep this cosmic blessing all to yourself.

Virgo August 2018

Stoner Virgo let’s take time to remember last August. I had to deliver the unfortunate news that Mercury was in retrograde and you were in for a tough month of communication breakdown. So now I am here to tell you this August will be fairly bland and uneventful. Whoopy if you compare the two periods! Spark a bowl in celebration you made it through August of 2017, and here’s to August of 2018 … a period that can’t be as bad as last year.

Speaking of the past: Now that you have commemorated last August, bury it. Toke time early in the month to meditate with the sacred herb. The species or strain does not matter. The theme of this medicated meditative smoke session is forgiveness and presence. Forgiveness is a powerful healing tool. Not just forgiveness for others, but forgiveness for yourself stoner Virgo. Too often images, incidents, conversations, or mistakes haunt our present even though they will always remain in the past. Once you forgive, you may live.

The stagnation of August can be a great asset for a stoner Virgo with an entrepreneurial spirit. It’s time to start your cannabusiness! The green rush is happening all around us. Whether it be in politics, content creation, manufacturing, or marketing, your passion project is only a step away. Smoke a bowl of courage stoner Virgo and take that first step.

The limited celestial support this month pushes toward an altruistic endeavor. Cannabis companions and family need your analytical process stoner Virgo. August is a great time to point your passionate energy toward the betterment of your smoke circle. Helping your loved ones could be the most fulfilling thing you do with this stagnant time period.

For the more adventurous stoner Virgo, August 25-27th is shroomfest. Taking a trip with the magic mushroom can help you see yourself within a wider dynamic. Not just within your family or society, but within the universe.

Virgo July 2018

Virgo July 2018


Know thyself stoner Virgo. July presents an interesting challenge. Cosmic winds will be swirling in an unpredictable manner. Internal conflicts must be addressed to receive blessings from the universe. Pitfalls and traps lie in wait, but not from external sources.

Many Virgos find unsettling paranoia from some smoke sessions. In the second summer month it will be imperative to select sacred strains that will combat the potential for a spiral of maniacal internal dialogues. Strawberry Cough and Harlequin are two strains said to counter the potential paranoid effects of the sacred herb. Strains high in CBD and low in THC may also assist you in your meditative travels.

If you are the type of stoner Virgo that is subject to the possibility of insecure paranoid moments, then avoid smoke sessions in public where insecure paranoia may rule your high. Take time to take a solo voyage. Meditate with the sacred herb to see yourself from high above. Understand insecurities are a product from within. You do have control. Confidence and self love must rule. Forgive others, but forgive yourself stoner Virgo.

There is a lot of cosmic support from your fellow terrestrial astronauts in July. You have a wonderful smoke circle of cannabis companions. Allow yourself to place full trust in those closest to you. Virgos in a domestic partnership need to seek inclusiveness within a passion project. Cosmic support is strong for project bonding. Find something you can throw yourself into, and that your family unit can enjoy together. For single stoner Virgos, this period may be less dynamic. It is a great time to focus on yourself. Be adventurous! Get out and explore the world, culture, and your inner self. You may find answers that will assist you in your cosmic adventure.

With caution, care, and preparedness, the second summer month promises to produce a bountiful harvest of growth and progress. Believe in yourself stoner Virgo. Remember, they aren’t all out to get you!

Virgo June 2018

Virgo June 2018


Stoner Virgo June presents a familiar challenge. Although the old adage “Let it Be,” can sound easy enough, it may require an active effort on your part this month to fight the urge to try to solve everyone else’s problems. Some things are simply out of your control, and your efforts will be better spent getting your own to-dos checked off before offering assistance with OPP (other people’s problems). While you might feel like you have just the cure for a cannabis companion’s blues, the best help you can offer is to allow them the opportunity to experience their own growing pains.

Whether it is for your own relief, or you decide to invite your fellow canna-companions to partake, there will be great benefit in taking time for some stress relieving tokes. Spark one up and slow things down. You are certain to benefit from making time for medicated introspection with the sacred herb. With each spark of the sensimilla you can expect to acquire new perspective and to discover more opportunities to reach greater heights.

When it comes to the realm of work, you are entering a period of straight fire, Stoner Virgo. While you are certain to experience a noticeable surge of energy, it will be important to make sure your actions are deliberate. Do not jump at every prospect that arises. Be thoughtful in your plans of action and be sure proper planning is in place. It is better to move at a deliberate pace than to burn out too quickly. While you might want to get things done as quickly as possible, remember you will spend even more time on a project if you have to go back and correct mistakes. This could be avoided if you are more attentive in your first attempt. The cosmos has blessed you with a keen eye for the details. Sometimes the sacred herb may offer you inspiration, yet other times it can help you slow your roll allowing you the time to get it right the first time.

The most crucial facet you should avoid approaching hastily is the sphere of family. As long as you focus your attentions inward first, Stoner Virgo, you will foster a positive aura which will benefit all of those around you. It will be important you keep the peace pipe and fresh herb at the ready. This is not to say you should expect many conflicts to arise, but rather you will be ready to clear the air if they should. Sometimes the best advice for facing a hectic schedule is to hurry up and relax.

Virgo May 2018

Virgo May 2018


Stoner Virgo, you may think the universe is conspiring against you, but realistically you will feel everything more deeply this month. But, this is not necessarily a bad thing as these magnifications will be just as noticeable with positive emotions. Following your heart will be the precise recipe required to overcome any and all obstacles you encounter. While you are attempting to correct the seemingly unfortunate injustices the stars have concocted for you, it will be crucial for you not to neglect those nearest you. You may find yourself having a greater affinity towards the Sativa dominant varieties this month, Stoner Virgo. This can be helpful in getting the creative juices flowing as you work to strike a balance between your personal goals and the needs of those around you.

When the smoke is getting too thick, all you have to do is wait for it to clear. You have already clearly established your goals. As once famously said, just do it! With so many hours of sunshine during the summer months, you’ll have even more time to hustle. This will be an ideal time to turn your hobbies into a passion that pays, capitalize on your talents stoner Virgo.

Those nearest you will notice your genuine drive towards accomplishing great goals. You will be able to manage noticeable achievements and noteworthy smoking sessions, as long as you remember there is a time and a place for each. Be forewarned, Stoner Virgo, it is likely you will encounter some friction in the workplace. However, you will be able to accomplish more if you are able to set aside those differences. Invest your energy in projects, don’t waste it on unnecessary squabbling. Breathe, inhale, and let it be.

Stoner Virgo, this month you need to stay connected with your smoke circle. This is not to say you need to toke one down with everyone you encounter. Rather, those who you consider your closest bud loving buddies should be your main focus. While you should stay busy, you will benefit by taking time to stop and smell the kind flower. Although you have a long list of tasks to accomplish, you will never regret investing time with those who mean most.

Virgo April 2018

Virgo April 2018


No one’s saying you should be a homebody this month, Stoner Virgo, but you will benefit from focusing the majority of your attentions to your home-life.  In the hustle and bustle of the daily grind it can be easy to neglect particular facets of our many responsibilities. Especially this month, it is important you do not let it be your interpersonal relationships which are sacrificed for the sake of personal success.  This will require you to take the time to meditate on future tasks and how they affect not only you, but those nearest to you. However, this does not mean you should be over cautious. Rather, be contemplative and decisive in your efforts. That way everyone will benefit from your strategic actions.

While it is not advised to mix work and herbal recreation, meditative smoke sessions may be helpful to contemplate more challenging problems in the workplace.  Although it will be particularly important to maintain a clear head at work, medicated meditative smoke sessions will be useful to figure out your next business move.  Your greatest asset this April will be time, Stoner Virgo. Our sweet Sativas will help to foster the creative environment needed to gain a more objective perspective and enable you to assess problems with a keen eye.  Once you have analyzed each obstacle, act!

Stoner Virgo, a well tended garden will thrive and produce a bountiful crop.  The same is true for our nearest relationships. There is no need for grand gestures or over-the-top displays of affection, but everyone appreciates their soil tilled now and again.  Even the smallest ‘just because’ gift can brighten the day of your closest partners in chronic. Presents are great, but even more appreciated will be your presence Stoner Virgo. With sincere effort, you will be able to strike a perfect balance; taking care of yourself while giving yourself fully.

Virgo March 2018

Virgo March 2018


Stoner Virgo, we are aware of the old adage: sharing is caring. It will be important to remember this phrase in March. This does not only apply to celebrating the good times, as you are likely to be called upon to help lift those nearest to you in their time of need. The good news is you have plenty of resources at your disposal this month! You are more than capable of accomplishing all you set out to achieve, and will still have enough in the gas tank to make sure those in your smoke circle make it across the finish line with you.

While the best advice you can follow is to simply “go with the flow,” it doesn’t mean you will not be required to put in long hours and work hard. As long as you take the time to look ahead, there should be few troubles you cannot easily avoid. Think on it, toke on it, and then get down to business. Sometimes cannabis can cause us to have our head in the clouds. In your case, it will be the uplifting motivator taking you to ever higher levels of achievement.

Your role as a leader will be apparent during this period. Whether you are in a management position or entry level, your coworkers will seek out and value your opinions. In order to get things done and to keep the crew moving forward, you will need to be assertive. However, you will also need to be equally attentive, so nobody falls behind the rest of the group. Your enthusiasm and optimism will be tangible, Stoner Virgo, and will surely make a positive impact on all who cross your path. If you feel yourself losing steam, take the time to rest and recharge your cosmic batteries. A little R&R, rest and recreational cannabis, may be precisely the herbal remedy you need to get back to the grind.

Although there are no foreseeable problems you will encounter in your homelife, be sure you do not neglect these obligations either. The bulk of your success will manifest in personal growth and accomplishments at work. But, you still need to spread the love at home. If you do experience any troubles with loved ones, double check to make sure these moments are not self-inflicted. More likely, one or both involved misheard or misunderstood which is easily remedied, just listen again. The peace pipe can do exactly what it says by allowing everyone to get on the same level and share common ground. Only then will you be able to follow the wise words of Bob Marley and “love the life you live and live the life you love.”

Virgo February 2018

Virgo February 2018


Stoner Virgo, this month will be all about the long game and a slow roll. This does not mean you should settle in on the couch or try to avoid tasks on your to-do list. To the contrary, you want to make sure you are moving forward at a deliberate and determined manner, otherwise you risk wasting what is expected to be a time of great positivity and good fortune. February will be time to take chances and pursue new endeavors that you may have been putting on hold. But, fear not, Stoner Virgo, the stars have your back and are there to guide you when you are most in need. Indicas are the recommended variety of choice this month—what you need most now is a grounding influence, one which will help you to maintain a positive equilibrium.

With regards to the workplace, Stoner Virgo, it will be important to double check everything, but do your best to avoid second guessing yourself. As long as you give due diligence in the planning phase, you will be able to identify and subsequently avoid unnecessary setbacks. While you are sure to meet new faces, some of whom could become friends and allies, it is recommended you keep your most inner circle small. It is nice to have a helping hand or second opinion, but sometimes you just need to have the space to clear your head and make your own decisions. So, be strategic with any help you solicit; it is crucial everyone involved in a project is working toward the same goal, otherwise useful energies will be wasted. When it is time to set down the work and pick up the pipe, it would be wise to do so alone. Use these moments to meditate, reflect on accomplishments and prepare yourself for future successes.

You can expect your interpersonal relationships to experience a time of great prosperity. Whether you are a single Virgo, or have a special cannabis companion, you will be a source of tangible positivity to all who are fortunate enough to know you. As mentioned before, stick with strains that help you maintain your groove. It is advised you avoid sativas during this time. While it is important to dream, you want to keep your mind from wandering. You will make the most of the peaceful phase permeating your home if you are able to stay focused on all you are blessed with. So, when the opportunity arrives, grab your peace pipe, grab your partner and pack a fresh bowl of good vibes.

Virgo January 2018

Virgo January 2018


Stoner Virgo you powerful, beautiful creature, the beginning of 2018 promises to be a magical time. The only requirement to receiving the positive cosmic vibes will be trust and confidence in yourself. Combust the sacred herb and meditate on your internal abilities. Your analytical nature helps you understand and know things not easily available to others. This stoner sixth sense is the intuition you were blessed with stoner Virgo. Dare I say your psychic abilities! This skill, blessing, or natural trait will guide you down the freeway of life in January.

Trust in yourself and your intuition will play a large role in both your business and personal spheres this month. Take time out with the sacred herb when you have moments of alone time. In that deep reflective meditative state with the sacred herb, listen to your inner voice and heed its guidance. Meditative smoke sessions like this will guide you through self reflection on the way to self improvement. This internal work will not only help you trust your own intuition, but assist you in being the leader your cannabis companions need. January will require self reliance. Any projects or tasks will be accomplished in a more timely manner if you go at it alone. However, there will be buds in your smoke circle that need your advice and counsel to help them reach their goals. Trust yourself and trust your instincts stoner Virgo.

Warning, objects are closer than they appear. Double check your blind spot stoner Virgo. When dealing with a mass of information, an important detail can slip by or catch you by surprise like a merging truck on the freeway. Be safe stoner Virgo and double check your blind spot on the road and with legal minutia. Use your analytical nature and intuition to check all the facts and don’t let those important details sideswipe you.

Virgo December 2017

Virgo December 2017


Stoner Virgo December will be like a warm dank Indica strain. The smell of this sweet sacred cannabis bud will put you into a trance. I’d like to think of you as a triple threat in December. The sacred herb can be consumed in so many ways. Maybe this is the month to venture out and try them all. Whether you vape, eat, or smoke the sacred herb, December will be a month to stay medicated.

Home may be the best place for you this month. Mercury is in retrograde again my dear stoner Virgo. And although this does not fall in your sign this time, it may still affect communications adversely. Taking a home bound strategy into this month may help counteract universal communication complications. Of course remember stoner Virgo, even with a home bound strategy you must still navigate communications with close cannabis companions and loved ones. I have a meditative exercise for you this month. It’s important to understand not just who you are, but also how others perceive you. Take time with the sacred herb to contemplate this aspect of self analysis stoner Virgo. You may see yourself as contemplative and logical in debate and problem solving, but others may only see the intensity of your delivery instead of your words.

December retrograde should be more manageable than the August time period; especially with a solid plan to combat the cosmic communicative interference. Working on your home and or your personal space will draw out creative forces from within. Executing projects in your home life will feed your sense of accomplishment. Improving your personal sphere will set you up for a more stable and fulfilling home life in future time periods. The most important aspects to this home bound strategy for December will be patience and comfort. You will find your projects fulfilling, but you must not manage yourself like a million dollar project. Allow your creative side to take over and lead the way at home.

Virgo November 2017

Virgo November 2017


Stoner Virgo be prepared to stay hydrated in November because your thirst for knowledge will be undeniable. The current planetary alignment will reward intellectual curiosity. Fly like a Jefferson Airplane, “Feed your head, feed your head.” Whether at work or in a personal passion, reward yourself by accepting this gift from the heavens. This passion for knowledge will expand opportunities professionally and personally.

Inhale, breathe, and let it be stoner Virgo. Gifts from the cosmos can also turn into burdens falling from the sky. This thirst for knowledge and to solve curious puzzles could spill into aspects of your personality you regularly struggle with. The analytical and logical nature of the stoner Virgo can lead to paralysis by analysis. During this intellectually curious period you will be more likely to overanalyze trivial puzzles of no consequence. Thus, this blessing from the cosmos could turn into frustrating nit picking without the right attention and focus. Take time to step back and meditate with the sacred herb. Find understanding on what is really important and what genuinely will feed your passion. In moments of analytical frustration, fly high with the sacred herb. A 10,000 foot view will allow you to avoid getting stuck analyzing the weeds.

November may be a quiet month on the romantic front due to your studious work on personal interests. However, this intellectual pursuit will take you to new smoke circles in your physical and digital community. Diving into new communities will provide the human spark you may be avoiding or lacking in the bedroom. Be sure to listen and hear your newfound acquaintances. Listening isn’t waiting for your turn to speak stoner Virgo. Smoke circle expansion will be up to you. Be bold. Requesting and sharing contact information could turn a great conversation into a new cannabis companion.

Virgo October 2017

Virgo October 2017


Stoner Virgo the month of October offers a mixed bag of cosmic influences. At many moments this month you may feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions. You must stay limber and alert stoner Virgo. October will require you to dance in and out of problems and triumphs with rhythm grace. Early in the month light one up and practice your dancing moves. This won’t be so much of a meditative smoke session as much as it should be a medicated dance party. Tune yourself with the rhythm of your surroundings.

The work sphere will be a delightful part of the cosmic dance in October. The planetary alignment offers you protection from enemies at the gate and abundance of positive financial rewards from what you have built previously. Set the playlist at work stoner Virgo. Take the lead and seize all opportunities in front of you. Yes, this is a great time to take advantage of new opportunities. Whether this means a change of career, starting that project your have been planning, or setting off on your own adventure in business, cosmic drum beats will lead the charge forward.

Unfortunately the sphere of love and companionship will not follow the same upbeat cosmic playlist. You may be strutting your stuff on the workplace dance floor, but the record will scratch abruptly mid month with someone close to you. Perhaps you can avoid disaster with a meditative smoke session with the sacred herb around the 10th of the month. Focus on soft communication and internal understanding of any underlying resentment built up between you and your loved one. The most important thing to avoid is picking a fight stoner Virgo. “Picking” is a purposeful word here. Cannabis companions and loved ones won’t share the same dance party at work. Subtle “picking” at old scabs will result in traumatic open wounds.

Inhale, breathe, and let it be stoner Virgo. If emotional frustrations become impactful on your mood, take time for internal reflection with the sacred herb. Self care and self love are important even amidst a frantic work lifestyle. By the end of the month your love life will be back in tune with your cosmic playlist if you give yourself and your loved one time to heal.

Virgo September 2017

Virgo September 2017


Stoner Virgo, inhale, breathe, and let it be. Mercury retrograde is now behind you, and the month of September promises far less intrigue and uncertainty. How did you do during the challenging cosmic time period of August? Some stoner Virgos discovered no matter how much logical capital focused toward the Mercury retrograde, the magic of the universe and our human planetary connection cannot be broken. But alas survival was assured, and you can continue your astronautical adventure on Earth untethered to the dreaded Mercury retrograde.

Early in the month of September, take the restrictive reigns off your cannabis pipe stoner Virgo. Make plans to set time aside for a deep healing meditative smoke session. Take time to focus on your body and emotional stability. A wonderfully peaceful yoga session with the sacred herb can cleanse the body and soul. Be sure to bring plenty of water for this detoxifying smoke session. For those stoner Virgo’s not hip with yoga, please understand that calm secluded stretching is all we are discussing. All stoner Virgos deserve this personal time of rest and contemplation after the August time period.

It’s time to get back on track stoner Virgo. There will be no particular planetary influence in the September time period. However, this stagnant condition may seem like a blessing from the universe after the cosmically chaotic month of August. Now is the time to focus on yourself. Find your confidence in decision making once again. Ambitious expectations should be tempered during this time period as healing and stability should be the goal. Areas of love and work will all fall under the same influence. Attentive, assertive, and positive decision making is the key to regaining your virginal mojo after the ravaging of Mercury.

Virgo August 2017

Virgo August 2017


Stoner Virgo stop! Listen to “Also sprach Zarathustra” from “2001: A Space Odyssey.” This should give you the impact and necessary tone for your August reading. You see stoner Virgo, Mercury is in retrograde for you in the August time period. Perhaps a meditative smoke session with the sacred herb should take place during this reading. You see, August will present a sort of choose-your-own-adventure stoner Virgo.

Please adjust your seat into a full and upright position. Your flesh spacecraft is about to experience turbulence. Mercury retrograde will jam all communication devices. No new adventures should originate during this time period. Be alert and aware during the final summer month. Murphy is clearly in charge and you have no control. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

OR stoner Virgo. You can choose the adventure based in logic and reason. You see Mercury in retrograde may be a myth or a pseudoscience built on illogical coincidence and anecdotal experience. Mercury doesn’t ever move backwards! This retrograde term is based entirely on perception. Mercury’s orbit is smaller than Earth’s. And when it speeds passed Earth, it only appears to move backward. This happens about four times a year, and it is occurring now during your sign. I figured a nice logical explanation would be the perfect joint for you to smoke stoner Virgo. When you hear about the dreaded retrograde and your impending doom, please smoke about it and forget about it.

To be on the safe side, or a little paranoid, you should retrace your steps for the year. Toke time to analyze what got you to this point and where you are headed. You will find appreciation in triumphs and potentially discover missed opportunities that propelled you to this point in your astrological timeline. Avoid starting new projects, but begin planning your steps after Mercury has safely passed into another sign’s influence.

Virgo July 2017

Virgo July 2017


Stoner Virgo July will be a positive time. Cosmic forces will shine down on you with a warmth like the summer sun. Are you clever enough to see all the rays within the star’s gaze? Impactful events are probable in July that will affect the remainder of the year. However, these “events” may be on another dimensional plane. Awareness stoner Virgo. To take full advantage of the opportunity ahead, you must be in tune with your third eye.

Think outside of your sphere, or bubble. Bob Marley famously said, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” It’s not a smoke session without the meditation. Let’s not put a theme or a target on meditative smoke sessions in July. I have a feeling things will come quite naturally to you stoner Virgo. When you are high in the clouds you can see everything on the terrestrial platform, even yourself. July could offer consequential understanding key to long term success. Whatever success means, whether monetarily or with regards to a relationship, and even great conscious understanding; Let your third eye guide you.

Action will be required to take advantage of opportunities that come your way in July. Stay close to your trusted cannabis companions. Their help will solve obstacles that present themselves. Reluctance or complacency will be the only enemy for the stoner Virgo in July. DO NOT rely on the opinion or hand out from a casual smoke circle acquaintance. Their reliability may be like fools gold. Just remember stoner Virgo, you can see and solve all problems in July.

Love, passion, and human connection are in store for the single stoner Virgo. Yes, that adventurous side may come out in the second summer month. Embrace those quirks, after all didn’t they get you this far? Just remember as soon as you become too cool the universe will manifest a quick cold.




Stoner Virgo the sun is out and the first summer time period of June promises to have fortunate conclusions. However, these fortunate conclusions are not based upon luck or universal blessings, they will be based on diligence and action on your part. But wait, you must also learn to relax in this storm of action. Drop the hybrid strains stoner Virgo. The month of June will require meditative smoke sessions curated with surgical precision. For example, you will be required to be active and reactive to any problems and tasks that pop up. Sativa strains of the sacred herb will be best for the majority of your smoke sessions in June. However, burnout is a serious concern with the amount of activity you will face in the first summer month. Stoner Virgo, you must take time on occasion to allow yourself a deep meditative smoke session focused on relaxation and contemplation. A deep Indica strain of the sacred herb will be useful for this. Don’t think that you can do it all with a hybrid strain or neglect either portion of my recommendation. Balance will be required to see out the results of this active time period.

The June time period will be profitable for the stoner Virgo. But this profit may not be held until a future time period. The action of June should be thought of as a foundation for the future. This is the perfect time to establish yourself in the business world. Perhaps that passionate hobby can become a business. Perhaps that idea you have contemplated is ready to develop. All of this can only be answered inside of you stoner Virgo. However, it is very important to understand that luck is not your blessing, it is action alone that can take you to higher highs.

The sphere of love and companionship will be less active in June stoner Virgo. There will be a family conflict that must be resolved, but this will be in your ability. To avoid bitter celestial head winds, do not behave with condescension or snobbery with your fellow cosmic travelers.




Stoner Virgo, the sun will be shining on you in the final Spring time period. The sun does not represent fortune or an easy path stoner Virgo. It represents action and impact. Your decisions and work will definitely show results in the May time period. However, the equivocation of my words represent the dynamic nature of these results. The sunshine of May promises action, but not necessarily positive action.

Early in the month, puff puff plan with the sacred herb. It will be important to see the world from high in the clouds. With this high view with a third eye lense you will be able to see the landscape in front of you and plan for the action ahead. For entrepreneurs and workers stuck in the grind of the machine, this 10,000 foot view of the working landscape will provide more insight into how to approach problems that lay ahead. Remember stoner Virgo, action will be sure to result from your decisions in May. If the results of decisions are unclear, then maybe the problem or project should be left for a future time period. The view from high in the clouds should give you better perspective early in the month on how to proceed.

With all these words of warning stoner Virgo, understand that the sun is shining down on you. With a puff puff plan of attack and third eye vision, you will most definately see the action you desire from your efforts.

In the sphere of love and emotion, the stoner Virgo should not look for the impactful action expected in the work sphere. Understand that any negative emotional experience with family or a cannabis companion can be simply rectified with a sincere apology. Communication and patching up little squabbles is important for all parties. Single stoner Virgos must watch out for money issues with new love interests. Do not read into the relation of money or spending on the inner thoughts of a new love interest or cannabis companion.

I have a playlist song for you this month stoner Virgo. Gain confidence from the tune, T.G.I.F by Kid Cudi.




Stoner Virgo, 2017 has been and will be an exciting year of rapidly changing dynamics, but the April time period will run counter to this fast flow. The question is this: Can you handle a time period of peaceful endeavors stoner Virgo? There may be a feeling of terror and apprehension at the thought of nothing to do, but this period of peaceful calm is a tremendous opportunity. A quiet mind allows a creative soul to come to the forefront.

Relax stoner Virgo. Breathe and let it be. As you meditate with the sacred herb this month, focus on projects and endeavors that you are passionate about. So often you place these desires to the side in favor of the task at hand. The universe has opened up a peaceful window where these tasks will not be tantamount to your success. So peacefulness will not be complacency, it will be an opportunity to expand the desires from within. The sacred herb will help you see these long repressed interests and desires.

Work flow will not be unusual. Whether you are stuck in the corporate grind or swashbuckling your own way through the capitalistic structure, there will still be problems and obstacles in your way. With a confident calm you should be able to solve and move beyond any of these obstacles placed in front of you.

The same calm theme will be present in your personal life stoner Virgo. April is not the time to force the issue at hand or over communicate. Sometimes friendship and love is about allowing someone to be the themselves and giving them the opportunity to solve and grow from their mistakes. For single Virgos, meeting someone new isn’t always from a romantic perspective. Even simple acquaintances or chance encounters can become life-long cannabis companions.

It’s not a waste of time stoner Virgo. It’s time for you.

Virgo March 2017

Virgo March 2017


Stoner Virgo, March will be a delightful period of growth.  Like spring flowers jetting out of the ground, new experiences and fruitful growth will be the possibility for you.  Do not look at this opportunity as a gift from the cosmos stoner Virgo, but a natural extension of the work and diligence you put toward your interests.  Thus, confidence and trust in yourself will guide you through March.

“Relax and take notes, as I take tokes off the marijuana smoke.”  Notorious B.I.G.

Meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb should focus on looking inward to understand yourself and how you are perceived by others.  This is an important tool to solve any problems that might arise in the March time period.

In the work sphere, normal expectations should be applied to the March time period stoner Virgo.  Universal influences should be calm and fruitful for your pocket book.  Projects and people should be vetted with a discerning eye.  Misstatements or misinformation could derail your progress at work.  It will be crucial to research and verify pieces of information that could set you back or propel you forward with initiatives.

It is in your personal life where you will see the largest blossoms of spring.  Heed my words stoner Virgo:  Important love interests do not always include intimacy.  New cannabis companions or allies in art will come into your life during this time period.  And yes, for those single stoner Virgos, the chance of love is a possibility.

Be guided by your meditative smoke sessions.  Knowing yourself and how others perceive you will be crucial during this time.  Avoid explosive reactions to friends, family, and cannabis companions.  With a cool head and diplomacy versus an emotional and confrontational reaction, you should be able to survive and thrive through any difficulties personally.


Virgo February 2017

Stoner Virgo the February time period should be a successful time for you.  Everything you are built for will benefit you during this cosmic stage.  However, Venus and the moon will collaborate to create a potentially explosive situation for stoner Virgos in the sphere of personal relationships.  With a cool head and planning, the February time period can be a great success for stoner Virgos.

The first third of the month will be crucial for the stoner Virgo.  Breathe deep and inhale the magical wonders of the sacred herb.  The first third will be a time period of personal reflection and planning.  All Virgos, whether you are stuck in the grind of the corporate machine or manage your own business, will have a great opportunity in February.  This opportunity is creation, advancement, and impact.  The first three weeks of this month should be spent meditating on how this cosmic gift will manifest itself.  In terms of love and friendship, be prepared.  Planning is important in a personal life as well.  Explosive circumstances with cannabis companions and lovers will have more negative impacts when they come unprepared.

The second third of the month will be time for action!  All of this meditative time spent on planning your next move should be unfurled and put into action.  That promotion, that next product line, that new startup adventure all are ready to be pushed forward.  February 10th is the time of the full moon.  Use this significant event to remind yourself the dangerous explosive cosmic bomb that lurks in the waiting for you personally.  Breathe deeply … soothe your nerves and calm your heart.
The final third of February will not be exciting for stoner Virgos.  There will be no cosmic unveiling of success from the planning and action you created in the first two-thirds of the month.  Instead, you must continue building, for the fruits of your action will be revealed in a future time period.  This is also the time to repair and or reward yourself for your actions in matters of love and friendship.  How will you perform with Venus and the moon acting against you in an explosive collaboration?  Your action will be the difference between repairing or rewarding yourself in the final stage of February.

Virgo January 2017

Stoner Virgo the January time period may be hot for you despite the winter chill.  However, the universe will not influence the outcome of your endeavors as much as other time periods.  To successfully navigate through the January time period, you must know yourself; you must know your limitations as much as your capabilities.  The sacred herb will show you yourself without mirrors or disguises.  Meditative smoke sessions should be focussed on internal realities more so than ideas in the clouds.

Knowing yourself will be of great importance in the sphere of work.  You cannot reach great heights without building the ladder one rung at a time.  January will be a time period of foundation building instead of reaching for the stars and the moon.  It’s not glamorous, but your goals and creative ideas cannot be achieved unless you build them with measured steps.  January will be a time period for action, even if it is a more mundane kind of foundation building.

It doesn’t take a great philosopher or ancient mystic to tell you that communication is the key to human commiseration.  You should have no trouble communicating stoner Virgo, and this will be vital in January.  However, the words you speak must be well thought out and measured.  January will not be a time to run your cannabis companions over with your energy.  Communicate with your friends and loved one’s stoner Virgo, but think about your words before you speak them.  With this effort, your January time period can be magical and intense in ways you have not imagined.

Virgo December 2016

Stoner Virgo the universe has opened a window of learning for the period of December.  Cosmic winds will be swirling in December making it hard to get a sense of direction.  Hard work and acute task management will not be your savior.  December brings you an opportunity to take a step back and contemplate what brought you to this life position and what will lead you forward.

The sacred herb can be healing and insightful in so many ways that go beyond human measurement.  You must tap into the metaphysical and philosophical aspects and benefits of the sacred herb in December to look within.  If you don’t look within, you will never understand what motivates you.  Often our motivation goes beyond an obvious physical or monetary goal.  Understanding why you work so hard or make the decisions you do; will help you focus on finding the healthy motivations that will include happiness and contentment as an end goal.  This analysis and understanding will help you figure out why you are where you are, and how to pave the path to where you are going.

Stoner Virgo, you have created a situation where you aren’t just manipulating chess pieces, you are playing multiple games of chess at once.  This type of multi-tasking excites and drives you, but it creates more pressure that continues to build.  The December time period will create a moment when the pressure must release.  Understanding the base logic behind the motivation that entered you into 5 games of chess at once will be key to surviving the release of pressure and understanding the capacity of your pressure cooker in the future.  You can’t do it all, all the time.

During this time of deep philosophical introspection stoner Virgo, you must allow your loved ones and cannabis companions to lead you in your personal life.  Allowing others to make decisions and following their lead will allow for growth for you and them.

Virgo November 2016

Stoner Virgo the time period of November presents some unique challenges.  Navigating life when you must keep your feet on the ground while your energy is in the clouds can be a difficult proposition; especially when you are used to getting your way and following your emotional instincts.  Fear, not stoner Virgo, you have one important quality that will help you through this dynamic time period.  Your ability to take responsibility for your actions will keep your head on the terrestrial plane where your body will be firmly planted.  

There are so many aspects and dimensions to the sacred herb.  Stoner Virgo, this month it would be best to meditate and enjoy the sacred herb with a CBD balance.  Health and progress should be your mantra for November.  Lofty goals and ambitious efforts will keep your head in the clouds separated from your body.

Responsibility means more than the just acknowledgment of past actions and current situations.  It means also responsibility for future outcomes from current actions.  Only once you acknowledge the obstacle can you work on proactive solutions to enjoy positive results.

Stoner Virgo, it is the sphere of love and relationships where you will find the largest challenge to keep your head and body connected in November.  All emotions will be heightened in this time period, constantly trying to send your head and spirit into the clouds.  Love, anger, joy, rage, and disappointment are all types of emotions that the stoner Virgo will feel more intensely during this time period.  The intensity of these emotions can be dangerous if your loved ones are stuck on Earth while you are soaring through the clouds.  Rash decisions and actions will be your enemy in November stoner, Virgo.  

Virgo October 2016

Stoner Virgo, the October time period will bring something unique and unusual for you.  Do not fret, this new situation will be a welcome gift from the cosmos.  Universal influences will be at bay leaving you to your devices and ambitions.  A quiet period where caretaking and fire fighting will be at a minimum, and creativity and freedom will abound.

For many other signs, a quiet period would be welcome and appreciated; but not you stoner Virgo.  This vision of calm may strike the fear of complacency and stagnation.  The universe has granted the stoner Virgo a wonderful opportunity.  Look at it this way my energetic stoner Virgo friend:  The cosmos is not forcing a calm period on you, there will simply be an absence of influence.  Ah yes, you see stoner Virgo, you will be free to create your own environment.  Freedom is the keyword to the month of October.

You can not take this gift from the universe lightly stoner Virgo.  Now is the time to start that creative adventure you have been thinking about.  Whether you own your own business or work for ‘the man,’ October will be the time to start your very own nano business or start that new creative project on the side.

This is also the time to recharge your batteries!  Stoner Virgo, you go and go chasing the cosmic wind throughout the year.  This is the time to focus on you, and what you need to savor life.  Start out the time period with a deep meditative session with the sacred herb.  Consult with your cannabis companions, they may have wonderful adventures you now have the time to join them on.

Stoner Virgo, with no cosmic influences, you will be more open to the love in your heart.  You can be a guarded soul with your love stoner Virgo.  October will be a wonderful time of freedom to express yourself and enjoy the love of others.

Virgo September 2016

Stoner Virgo, the period of September is a confusing time.  Your energy and cosmic influences usually create a dynamic period of action, but September will be different.  There is a calmness to the wind that you are not used to.  Stoner Virgos like the action of the fire and the heat of the boiling pot.  Quite often you stir the pot and like the fire.  The September period will lack dynamics for the stoner Virgo, and this may seem disconcerting.

In the absence of action and cosmic dynamics in the workplace, the stoner Virgo will replace this space with stress.  Stoner Virgo, you usually like the creativity and energy from the sacred herb.  September will be a time to try that scary deep Indica strain.  Coping and deep meditative personal work will have to replace the usual hustle and buzz from your workspace.  Willie Nelson said, “The Biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”

The action in the September time period for the stoner Virgo will come in the sphere of the personal life.  Previous events and unspoken resolutions will come to a tipping point with loved ones and cannabis companions in September.  Don’t be scared stoner Virgo, you are a powerful being, and the outcome of this tipping point doesn’t have to be spilled blood.  The period of calm in the workplace is a blessing because your love life will require your utmost attention.  If you don’t water the plant, it will die.  If you water the plant and even sing to it, it will flourish.

Virgo August 2016

Stoner Virgo, the period of August will be perfect!  Just like you, right?  Ok, just like you in the fact that two dueling influences will be competing to dominate your mood and position in the universe.  Managing these dueling influences will be the key to success and happiness in August.

The sun will shine down on you with a white hot energy in August in the work space.  Do you own your own business, or have you thought about starting your own business?  August will be a period of fortune and success, as long as you put in the hard work and planning.  Be mindful, however, that managing people could be the part in this positive tale that gets sideways.  If you work as a cog in the corporate machine or manage people, you must rely on trust and training.  We all have our place and position, do not try to do other’s work or diminish their responsibility.

It wouldn’t be a duel without an opposing force.  Dark clouds have gathered over your personal relationships in August.  Communication and understanding will be your jacket protecting from the rain.  Don’t shut yourself away.  If it’s possible, meditate with the sacred herb and your life partner.  Cannabis can have a healing impact beyond the body.  Without the proper nurturing your relationship could end in August.  If you are causal in your relationship then the clouds of August could force a breaking point.  Meditation and communication.  Care and understanding.  These tools will help you get through the rainy whether for the period of time when the sun is shining on your personal life instead of just your work life.

Virgo July 2016

Set out this month, stoner Virgo, with the end goal in mind.  July holds no secrets for you amidst any of your colleagues or cannabis companions.  Although you may find a few bumps in the road, it will be up to you on how you handle each situation.  You will indubitably need to make time to meditate with the sacred herb this month.  Finding that time will be the tricky part.

July is a time to relish in the fact that you’ve found a new strategy for your working world.  It may simply be a small tweak to the old version or a whole new ball game; regardless, stick to your plan.  You may feel the need to upheave all who do not seem to go with your flow as communications will be sorted, to say the least.  Take some time to meditate with a nice indica hybrid before you make any harsh movements.  You want to be steadfast in your decisions yet not rueful later on.  Each action you take this month is setting a new platform for your work relationships.  Be sure it is not one of fear and anxiety.

Even with your personal life, it seems that communications in the beginning of July will feel alien to you in every aspect.  Do not forget the famous saying about karma: How people treat you is their karma, how you react to them is yours.  Just because those closest to you are having a hard time explaining what is going on, does not mean they are wrong.  Breathe and let them try to work out their explanations.  Find resolution through patience and care.  Ultimately, if you can find simple and loving solutions with your loved ones this month; the end of the month holds things sweeter than medicated feast of scrumptious munchies.   Be bold stoner Virgo, but be KIND in all ways and July will fly by in a beautiful array of happiness.

Virgo June 2016

Stoner Virgo, I am afraid to say the roller coaster ride of May will continue into June.  Last month my words were all about self-confidence and rationalisation.  The period of June will be a little different even if it seems you are riding the same never-ending roller coaster.  The sacred herb will be your ally in June.  One of the many powers of cannabis is the ability to provide perspective and understanding.  Seeing yourself in the world around you will be important to get you through this carnival ride.

With respect to your work life, you will be just fine stoner, Virgo.  The cosmos may be swirling all around you in June, but your confidence and knowledge of your job will leave you unharmed in the workplace.

The cosmic tempest that you must brace for comes full force in matters of love.  The roller coaster of May keeps on trucking into June with a loud “clack-clack” ratcheting you higher and higher into peril.  Whoa stoner Virgo, that is pretty heavy.  Do not fret or puke, this ride will come to an end eventually.  With the power of the sacred herb, you must see yourself in your situation from an outside perspective.  This exercise in meditation will give you the confidence to trust yourself because even in emotional moments you are capable of making the right decision.  In the end, you are capable of living and thriving with whatever decision you make.

Virgo May 2016

Stoner Virgo, you cannot get off this ride.  You paid for the ticket, the belts are locked, and the cars are in motion.  The beginning of the month will be like the ascent of the ride.  During this early stage of the month take the time to meditate with the sacred herb and focus on self-confidence.  If you know there is a giant drop or twists and turns coming, you should be able to rationalize that you will be just fine.  You have the proper tools to make it through the ride unscathed.

In regards to your workplace, you are the master of your realm.  You need to write down your measurable, attainable, and acceptable goals.  You can accomplish your goals with thoughtful, organized, and concerted effort.  You know all this, work is easy, right?

Is it a twist, a turn, or a drop that is in front of you stoner Virgo?  The cosmos is swirling and the clouds are dark near the end of May.  In the last 10 days of the period, your loving emotions can run wild.  Self-confidence and self-belief will get you through any scary dip or drop that you may not be expecting.  The meditative session with the sacred herb in the beginning of the month can save your nerves at the end of the month.  Just like the redundant safety mechanisms on the carnival ride, you have built wonderful stabilizing features to your life.  Breathe deep, the answers and solutions are inside.

Virgo April 2016

Stoner Virgo, grab your cannabis companion and hold tight.  April will be a rough road on the cosmic highway.  The good news is that you possess some of the best shock absorbers in the celestial kingdom.  Your instincts, decision-making, judgement, and tenacity will be tested in April as a cosmic headwind will sear at your skin for the entire month.  The sacred herb can be your soothing ointment.  I do not have a cannabis strain to recommend this month stoner Virgo.  It will be crucial for you to maintain steadfast attention, calm confidence, and keen intelligence as you travel on this rough road.  

Now that you understand the gravity of the situation, please understand you are capable of making it through April unscathed and unhurt.  You have all the tools to tackle each problem one bump at a time.  Part of the solution is actually knowing the problem is coming.  Take heed and prepare yourself early in the month.  Focus your meditations on surrounding yourself with a cosmic force field.  These internal preparations will give you the fortitude to weather any situation that presents itself.  Remember this, sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is to set it aside until you have developed a way to deal with it.
Stoner Virgo, your love life in April will be as if the cosmos is illuminating the most insecure part of your relationship.  For those of you lucky in love, please have confidence that healing old wounds will take your relationship out of the darkness and into the light.  For those of you Stoner Virgo’s without a cannabis companion or balancing a disingenuous relationship, the cosmic light will place a giant mirror in front of your love life.  You will not be able to escape the truth.

Virgo March 2016

Virgo stoner, you are a powerful being.  March brings a particularly strong and powerful month for the Virgo stoner.  However, I must say this early and clearly:  You must stay grounded in March and give care to your soul as much as your work ambitions.  The sacred herb will be your grounding wire to the electric month of March.

Stoner Virgo, one of your best attributes is your ability to organize and execute tasks in the workplace.  Taking on more work and responsibility is second nature to you.  This ability will be amplified in March as you will become a task master.  New endeavors will present themselves that may seem amazing and fortuitous.  However stoner Virgo, you must keep yourself grounded.  Before jumping at opportunities please take your future self into consideration.  Life is about more than work and money.  Decisions that may seem easy and “can’t miss” in March may keep you from passions and family in the future.  Your cannabis grounding wire will be essential to factor in humility and your future self when making these important decisions.

March will also be a powerful and potentially magical time for the stoner Virgo’s personal life.  New relationships can form and peripheral relationships can bond.  Life will be like wearing cosmic goggles that allow you to see more clearly than you have in the past, or will in the future.  Just remember your cannabis grounding wire stoner, Virgo.  Your loved ones do not have the cosmic goggles.  A powerful being can hurt if they don’t take their loved one’s perspective into consideration with care.

Virgo February 2016

Stoner Virgo, you will be hot in February.  There is a strong warm cosmic wind at your back.  The planets have aligned, and the universe has blessed you with extraordinary powers for the February period.  Good fortune and accomplishment only come to those that act stoner Virgo.  The universe can present you with opportunities, but it is you alone that stand responsible for the results.  

Please stoner Virgo, don’t get too cocky.  Take time to meditate with the sacred herb to help keep you grounded.  Negativity will only come in February to the stoner Virgo that doesn’t keep his head.  Negative traps lie in overconfidence as much as they do in complacency.  One of the most wonderful healing powers of the sacred herb is the plant’s ability to reveal yourself to you (RIP Bob Marley).  Meditate with the sacred herb to keep you grounded and humble in February stoner Virgo.

No two snowflakes are the same.  The same may be true of Virgos as well.  Stoner Virgos that are self employed or in a leadership position may have a completely different outlook on the month of February from those stoner Virgos that are unemployed or work for someone else.  The cosmos will not differentiate between these types of Virgos, but the results of hard work and success will be different.  Entrepreneurial Virgos and those in direct positions to benefit financially from hard work and success will see the fruits of their labor in February.  Worker bee Virgos will benefit from the same energy and ability to accomplish tasks in February, but the manifestation of results will be delayed.

Warning: Do not let the power go to your head.  One trap in February is for the stoner Virgo to spread themselves too thin trying to apply their magic to everything in front of them.  Perhaps being more selective and thorough will see stronger results.

Virgo January 2016

Stoner Virgo, January will be a bit of a mixed bag.  One key to the month is knowing that you cannot control everything in your life.  No matter what your religious affiliation is, the stoner Virgo must give themselves up to the cosmos.  Smoke a bowl, clear your head, and meditate on positive affirmations.

From the perspective of work and business, the stoner Virgo will be an ass kicker in January.  Go out there and get the job done!  Hit the ground running in January, and it may positively affect the entire year.  Use all of your strengths.  Organization and energy is your competitive advantage.  There are no roadblocks in your way.

The stoner Virgo’s love life and personal relationships with family will be the source of the major challenges in January.  The sacred herb can help you stay calm and see perspectives outside of yourself.  You can’t control loving outcomes so relax and enjoy the ride.  The less pressure you put on others in January the better off you will be.  If you are in an existing relationship, you should consider counseling and or a renewed openness to heartfelt communication.

Here is your mission in January stoner Virgo:  Go out there and be a monster at work and a cuddly bear at home.  You may not be able to control circumstances, but you can control your reactions.

Virgo December 2015

Stoner Virgo, December will be quite the roller coaster, strap in for safety. I know you don’t like the term bipolar, but your ability to compartmentalize triumphs and tragedy will serve you well in December. The cosmic winds will be swirling around you during this period. You will feel the burn of a frigid headwind one day and the warmth of the cosmic winds at your back the next. Your ability to weather both forces will be the key to surviving and thriving in December.

In regards to your workplace, you must be on a full defensive posture. Know thyself, you must select the sacred herb with the highest productive properties for you. Avoid any strains that lower your defenses and open you up to attack mentally. The area of work will be where you feel the most head winds in December. Two things will get you through your work: 1. A positive and diligent work ethic. 2. Calm restraint with coworkers, bosses, and or employees.

Work may feel like a Metallica album, but your love life should open up like a Michael Franti jam. Everything is possible in December for the stoner Virgo. If love and romance is what you seek, it will be found. If you seek friendship and social community contact, you can find it during this period. Please keep this key factor in mind stoner Virgo; you are in charge, not the universe. The largest factor for failure will be you. Do not let the pressures of work affect how you treat people in your personal life. Protect at work, thrive in life.

Virgo November 2015

The universal energies in November are going to cause the stoner Virgo some unusually odd occurrences.  You may need to keep your pipe full of indica this month as things will not go according to plan for you my cannabis companion.  Knowing this in advance, you need to put a lid on your analytical side.  There will be no way to make sense of all the insanity surrounding you.  The indica will allow you to watch and learn without having to become overly involved.  This month’s energies are not aimed at you specifically.  Ergo you should be able to skate by this very trying time with little bruises if you choose to be prepared.  Which cannot be said for most of the zodiac.

With every sign in the cosmos having a hard time you will need to watch your tone and tongue with your personal relationships.  Do not allow your harshly overcritical self to show its face in November.  It’s normal for you expect perfection or nothing at all:  Virgo you will greatly miss out on the beauty of this lifetime if you do not cage that beast.  Kind words and affection will go a long way for you in November.  IF you choose to pay attention to this you will be rewarded and any spats you find yourself in will easily be concluded.  Use that charisma and let your love light shine.

Work for my stoner Virgo’s should be amiable.  If you have taken all proper considerations into account, set up all back up plans and have made all the right moves you should easily attain your goals this month.  The sharks are out there and they are waiting on your to slip up.  Being your very prepared self you can avoid any contact with them if you did in fact take all necessary precautions.

Although November may not be the best month of 2015 for you my stoner Virgo; stay prepared, be kind, and you will puff puff pass right through this odd month.  

Virgo October 2015

Stoner Virgo, for the month of October the cosmos will remain fairly neutral as an impacting force in your life.  This non action by the universe will squarely put the power of impact into your hands.  During this period you should think of consolidation of power and influence, not expansion of your worldly influence.  This is where the trap of October lies for the Virgo stoner, complacency and stagnation.

The cosmic seas are calm in October for the Virgo stoner, but this means all the power to move rests in your hands.  Your business or workplace will not provide a dynamic platform this month.  It will be most important to consolidate your power and influence in the workplace.  October is a great month to shore up your current standing or position in the company, or build a wall around your market-share in business.

I will give you two themes for relationship success in October Virgo stoner:  Appreciation and Honor.

October is a great time to meditate on your current personal standing in the universe.  You must honor and appreciate what you have.  Break out the most potent Indica species of the sacred herb and enjoy a deeply contemplative meditation on your relationship to your fellow humans.  Honor and appreciation can be found in every status, whether you are single, dating, or married.  If you have been frustrated or depressed about your relationship status, this could be a great exercise to break negative patterns and open a new chapter of love and happiness.  It all starts within yourself.

Virgo September 2015

Virgo stoner, the blessings of August were merely a training ground for the opportunities of September.  Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”  This message of inspiration and action are pointed directly at the Virgo stoner in September.

Celestial bodies are colliding in the cosmos and raining positive emanations down on the Virgo stoner in September.  This isn’t the time to lay down and sun bathe.  Gandhi’s inspirational words imply that action is required to affect the change you want to see in your life and this world.  The universe is giving you the positive green light to “be” in September, but you cannot waste this opportunity.  The blessings of the cosmos will be wasted if you do not act.

No matter what your station is in the machine of society, the cosmos has blessed you with an opportunity in September.  Meditate with the sacred herb early in the month.  Get your ideas and thoughts organized because September is the time to execute them.  Self employed Virgo stoners will have an easier time impacting the universe with change, but even the corporate warrior will be powerful in September.  Be wary stoner Virgo, this is not the time to lay back with couch lock and bask in the glow of the cosmos.  Ghandi’s wonderful message is one of action.  Be creative.  Be organized.  Be ambitious.  Be generous.  You must BE!

Virgo August 2015

Stoner Virgo, you have my sympathies.  The last couple months have not been the best way to start your summer.  Sympathies can turn to cheers in August!  The dark cloud of frustration and challenges has passed you by.  Puff puff pass the bowl, August is finally your time to shine this summer.

Stoner Virgo you are like an action hero with both guns blazing in August.  No task is too difficult and no problem is too big to accomplish what you want to get done.  This is no time for couch lock, be cognizant of your smoke sessions.  This month brings a rare opportunity for productivity and ambition.  You don’t want to waste the blessings of the cosmos drooling and staring at the TV.  Stay heady and keep your head.

Warning:  The universe could punish you if you don’t take advantage of your gift.  If you keep your guns holstered in August and let the month slip by without action, you will find the universe will replace your inactivity with problems.

Be very careful with your personal relationships.  Your energy and efforts to get things done in August may intimidate some close to you.  If envy manifests itself in others around you, play it cool.  This feeling is their own, and it isn’t your responsibility to solve.  Avoid conflict, and allow others to work out their own problems.

Virgo July 2015

Virgo stoner, I know June was a struggle.  The cosmic forces were against you.  Unfortunately the struggle of June will continue into July.  But instead of the all encompassing waves of negativity, the universe is granting you a break in the clouds, and the sun will shine through.

A new light will shine in July regarding your business life!  The hangover from June will fade after the first week of July, and your energy will return.  Spark up a bowl of sativa, and get to work.  The middle of July should see significant opportunities with work and business.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst for change as you transition from the gloom of June into the sun of July.  Pay attention and take advantage of your opportunities.

As always in life, you have to take the good with the bad.  Unfortunately the hangover from June in your personal life will not lift as easy as your business life.  Be careful and gentle with your cannabis companions and lover.  You must balance the energy you feel in your work life with the challenges of your personal life.  You should use the sacred herb as a catalyst for work, whereas you should lean on the sacred herb for insight and coping in your personal life.  Noticing details are important to take advantage of opportunities at work, whereas they are critical to avoid damaging confrontations in your relationships.  Good luck, positivity!

Virgo June 2015

Virgo stoner, batten down the hatches!  Sound the alarms!  We are going down!  You will need to seal your ship well to survive the pressures of the negative depths June will push you to.  The Indica species of the sacred herb will be your friend in June.  Contemplative meditation is a requirement for you this month.

The golden rule of June:  Combust the sacred herb before dealing with a combustible situation.  The universe has given you a difficult month to deal with stoner Virgo, but you can get through without drowning as long as you keep your cool.  You MUST see yourself from a new perspective in June.  You MUST also take criticism from others with care and understanding.  This may not be easy for you, but defensive and confrontational behavior will only push you to further depths of negativity.

These warnings and rules apply to both your workplace and love life.  If you recognize the dangers and go into June with a plan, you will be able to survive without losing position or love.  The message of June isn’t just about conflict avoidance, it’s about empathy and understanding of those around you.  One of my favorite phrases is suited just for you this month stoner Virgo, “Breathe and let it be.”

Virgo May 2015

Virgo stoner, progress can be boring sometimes.  If I were to tell you that no significant events or forces would be in action in May, would that please or depress you?  Honesty and straightforwardness are ingrained in your psyche, so I will give it to you straight.  The world is what you make of it in May.

There are no overwhelming forces pushing or pulling you in one particular direction in May.  The universe is at a stand-still when it comes to your life.  This provides a wonderful opportunity if you are up to the challenge.  It’s time to unleash creativity and introspection.

Spark one up, and use the sacred herb as a catalyst for your adventure in May.  You must unleash your creative instincts and use your organizational skills to document and plan for the future.  If you don’t take action in May, the month will pass you by with no significant result.  Put time and thought into what interests you, and document your creative thoughts and ideas.  Do this for what is important to you, whether it be work, a relationship, or investments.  The universe has blessed you with a gift in May, but it requires your action and attention.

“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”  Bob Marley.  How often do you think about yourself and your position on Earth and in time?  May is the perfect month to take some time for yourself with the sacred herb and contemplate who you are.  

Virgo April 2015

Stoner Virgo, April is a period of time where your true nature will shine through without obstruction.  As you know, this can be good and bad as you have great qualities that are often contradicted by social struggles.  April brings a gift to the Virgo stoner.  This is the perfect time for introspection to work on the personality qualities you would like to improve while your main set of characteristics guide you through the month.  Spark one up stoner Virgo, the sacred herb has always been your friend for journeys inside yourself and can help guide you to great growth in April.

Work will be smooth and prosperous in April as long as you put your normal analytical focus into it.  You should lean on your skills of observance and make precision decisions in the workplace.  Trust yourself, you got this.

Your personal life is free from negativity in April.  This information does not mean to invite you to kick back and take it easy!  April is the perfect month for activity and bonding with friends and loved ones.  Avoid any depressants like liquor in April.  Seek the soul freeing guidance of the sacred herb, and find fun-loving adventure.  Take a hike with your family.  Go on that road trip with your best friend.  Take a trip to the beach.  Take your kids to the arcade.  There are so many things you have been thinking of doing with friends and family whether you are single, married, young, or old …. April is the time to make it happen.

Virgo March 2015

As a stoner Virgo you are consistently breaking down barriers and stereotypes associated with the lifestyle of someone who consumes the sacred herb.  The battle for respect and legitimacy can be frustrating at times, but your fight is worth it. March may bring enemies to the gate of your mental house.  This harmful agent may be hiding in the weeds, and closer than you realize.  Negativity will surround your personal relationships like a cloud of skunk weed.  Be cautious and measured with your decisions and actions with close friends and loved ones in March.  Just because it feels like forces are against you, it doesn’t mean firm action is required. Chill out and relax, there is better use of your time in March.  Pouring yourself into work may be the best action to avoid the negative energies surrounding personal relationships.

As the tainted clouds fill your head with personal relationships, the comfy kushy clouds will form over your business dealings in March.  Stoner Virgo, March is the time to be diligent and take action in your business or at work.  Positive waves will crash at your door like a smooth reggae song with a productive beat.  The planets line up particularly well for the stoner Virgo with an entrepreneurial spirit.  March is a month where old projects and ideas will be fulfilled, and new ventures will be inspired and created.  If you are working for the man in the machine of society, don’t fret.  Advancement opportunities can be found in March for the stoner Virgo stuck in the machine.

Virgo February 2015

Virgo stoner get ready, get set, GO!  If you’re ready, February will bring the kind of freedom you seldom enjoy.  Nothing will stop you from enjoying the productivity you crave as obstacles will fall to the side and your ambition, inspiration, and attention will lead the charge through the month.  The only warning this month will come from within.  Productivity is dependent on action and inspiration.  Without those two attributes, you could waste the blessed opportunity February holds.

Spark one up!  Stoner Virgo, the first half of February is crucial to develop your ideas and plans.  Stick to the strains that you feel are most in touch with your creative side in the first half of the month because honest reflection and analysis will be required to develop your plan for moving forward.  Bob Marley, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”

Don’t lose focus stoner Virgo.  The second half of the month will be the time to put your plan into action.  February is the perfect month to take the creative inspirations you have developed and implement them into reality.  The free flow of ideas and the action to implement them will feel fantastic as you have a tail wind at your back.

For stoner Virgos lucky in love, February will be fortunate as negative forces will be held at bay.  There is good and bad news regarding relationships in February.  The good news is there will be a significant event which could make a major impact on your life.  The bad news is that you can’t dwell on this significant event or try to impact it.  Embrace your mellow stoner side Virgo because you can’t control this potential event.  With negative energies at a minimum you will successfully navigate the major relationship event with confidence and decisiveness.  Just be you! 😉

Virgo January 2015

Stoner Virgo, January comes with a battle you can win.  Forces are moving against each other with amazing possibilities of confidence and understanding in front of a backdrop of negative energy pushing against you.  January will feel like riding the roller coaster of a powerful edible.  But you’ve got this pot brownie under control, you are in charge in January.  Take a firm grip, and understand the roller-coaster is part of the journey.

For stoners with an entrepreneurial spirit January brings a powerful month where actions can have powerful effects. All hope is not lost for corporate warriors stuck in the machine.  If you put forth your best effort, January will bring advancement and promotion in the workplace.  January is the time to take risks and be confident in yourself.  Avoid the paranoia and couch lock of the Indica strain and feel the impact and empowerment of the Sativa.

Oh stoner you are no dummy in January, the month brings power not just in the workplace but among your personal relationships.  Lives of friends and family will flow in harmony as if you are coordinating their impact in your life.  No one is going to anoint you grand Kush master this month, you must seize the opportunities and make your own decisions to accelerate the positive energies January holds.