Sagittarius December 2017

Sagittarius December 2017

Happy birthday stoner Sagittarius! But we have some work to do this month to fend off communication conflicts with Mercury in retrograde. The sacred herb will be a catalyst for emotional success in December. Introspective meditative dives with the sacred herb will help solve complex internal dilemmas. “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” Bob Marley

This is a great month to work on solving internal conflicts. Cosmic influences will bring strong winds of confidence, and your personality will be like a magnet attracting others into your life bubble. Work and projects should progress smoothly in December. Allow your eyes to turn toward the future. Advancement does not come from luck as you will feel celestial support to contemplate and plan your career moves in future time periods.

Appreciation and communication will be the keys to solving internal dilemmas that are sure to crop up this month stoner Sagittarius. Mercury will be in retrograde during your birthday month. This will leave you conflicted internally which will inhibit decision making. To compound the communication breakdown, this planetary alignment will also create vulnerable emotional sensitivities. Ah, but not all is lost my sweet stoner Sag. A deep meditative smoke session focused on your internal beauty and love for yourself will guard you against a cosmic disaster. Don’t fool yourself if you are feeling down. Hiding your emotions and feelings will be counter productive. Knowing the beauty you possess inside will allow you to see the beauty inside others and systems that surround you.

So often you are the rock others come to sit at and seek stability. This may be the month you lean on the trees in your smoke circle to help you through tough times. With appreciation of yourself and others in your heart, communication should be able to flow through the turbulent cosmic retrograde storm. All the work and love you have shared with your cannabis companions will reveal a support structure sure to sooth your internal fire.

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