Leo November 2015

With Yin comes Yang my stoner Leo.  November will have its light & dark moments for the ever dominating Lions.  Not to fret as your light will prove to be brighter and more resilient than any negative force you come up against.  In all honesty your personal perception will play a very large role in how the outcome of November’s events.  You must, above all else remain positive about yourself.  Positivity does not equal egomania.  At this time your ego can be harmful to your growth so let go of it this month.  Stay high with positive vibes and utilize a sativa to be your ally for creativity.  Which certainly will help you out of some sticky situations.

The working world will be your biggest challenge my cannabis companion.  You have the ability to utilize all your strengths right now and I suggest you tap into them.  Meditate with the sacred herb often in November as you may not succeed at every turn but you should not put your head in the sand either.  The healing properties of the sativa strain will help keep you motivated and lifted. You must at all costs keep moving this month!

On a more personal level the stoner Leo needs to be paying attention to those they love.  Reach out to close relatives that are not near your home.  It may cause a bit of an upset but you are the rock that can ground the situation on the whole.  Your family relies on you for this.  In matters of the heart you must pay attention, give affection and be supportive.  You will not like the outcome if you choose to ignore the needs of your lover.  Most of this can be fended off with a nice relaxing vape session at the end of both your working days.  (Ahem, that does mean you have to make time my little lions!)  

All in all you are strong Leo, this month is nothing more than a growing pain.  Enjoy each beautiful moment and work through the rest.

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