Aquarius June 2018

Aquarius June 2018

Stoner Aquarius, the first summer month will be a great time to break the chains of old habits. Cosmic support will be strong for the adventurous Aquarian. Not adventurous in actions, but adventurous in creativity. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst this month to spark inspiration. By broadening your experiences you may see yourself in a new light within your smoke circle. Not only can you expand your smoke circle this month, but you can enhance and curate enjoyable experiences with your cannabis companions.

There will be grand dynamics shifting in the workplace stoner Aquarius. These movements will rely heavily on your internal investigative skills. How much do you know yourself? Do you fully understand your place in society and your job? Greater understanding in this regard could lead to an opportunity in the workplace. If you struggle to see yourself in the broader context of the hive, this opportunity may go unnoticed. Don’t be afraid to include a coworker in a meditative smoke session with the sacred herb. Just be sure to practice open and nondefensive communication strategies. Self discovery from another perspective can be challenging, yet enlightening. This information can enhance your ability to target the right tasks or projects at work to stand out from the crowd.

Stoner Aquarius, in matters of love and the heart, it is time to break out of old patterns. Try a new tact, a new friend, a new restaurant, a new smoke spot, or even all of the above. Be a leader! Organize an event or activity with your smoke circle. Perhaps a smoke spot photographic scavenger hunt will be the catalyst to catch that certain someone’s eye or boost the energy level of a stagnant relationship. Cosmic support will reward breaking from old patterns and trying new experiences. Smoke about it with a cannabis companion. The world is only limited by your imagination.

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